On the 20th Anniversary of the transmission of the Messages of the Masters of Wisdom

 Messages of the 21st century


God always takes care of His children.

He carefully guides them through life, marking milestones, giving signs and hints, sending His Messengers – priests, messengers, and prophets - to help.  It has always been like this.  And it's the same in our time.

On March 14, 2004, at the beginning of the 21st century, the Mantle of the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood was bestowed upon Tatyana Mickushina.

Having passed numerous difficult tests, Tatyana proved her devotion to God and the Masters of Wisdom, earning the right to receive Messages from the etheric octaves of Light.


The first of these Messages, intended for modern humanity, was delivered to our world on March 4, 2005 by Lord Sanat Kumara. In His Message, He proclaimed that time had changed, a New Age had arrived. And humanity must transform itself to adapt to the new conditions.


Sanat Kumara, March 4, 2005:


AM Sanat Kumara, and I have come today to inform the world about a new opportunity, a new dispensation which the Heavens have decided to make available through Our new Russian Messenger, Tatyana…

Time has changed and the New Age has come. The worlds have come closer to each other…

The level of the vibrations of the planet is rising. New energies are coming to Earth. The majority of mankind feels these energies as an inability and meaninglessness to continue following the paths in the darkness that they have been following for many thousands of years…

No matter how much the human consciousness tries to hold on to its habitual paradigms or to the traditions of the past, whether religious, social, or family traditions, all of this will be swept away by the wind of the coming changes. There is no point in resisting these changes, because everything in this world abides by the Divine cycles…

Everything not capable of assimilating the New Consciousness, the principles of the Common Good, Kindness, Cooperation, and Gods Guidance, will be wiped off the face of the Earth…”


 Messages Are Given To Shift Consciousness


 For 15 years, Messages have been delivered in cycles twice a year. The Masters of Wisdom aimed to transmit the energies and knowledge of the Subtle Worlds as fully as possible through the new Messenger. The primary goal of the Masters was to explain to people why transforming consciousness was so crucial and how to achieve it.


 Lord Maitreya, June 25, 2009:


“All that you should care about is the level of your consciousness. And the purity of your consciousness can neither be attained with the help of other people nor bought for money nor obtained at a seminar. Only you yourselves through your personal efforts are able to get free from those energies that hinder your progress along the path of evolution.

…Your level of consciousness is determined by those Divine qualities that you acquire on your Path. It is impossible to play at Service, self-sacrifice, unselfishness, or Love.

You must master these qualities, and they must become inherent in you. It is exactly acquiring these qualities that enable you to alter the very structure of your DNA, the informational code that will allow you to exist in the world to come.”




Beloved El Moria, May 14, 2005:


“You must keep your consciousness directed to Our world, aspired to Our world, no matter what difficult life situations you may get into.

Aspiration, constancy, and devotion — these are the qualities that are necessary for Our disciples…

The level of your consciousness is influenced by everything that you encounter in life. All the people whose auras you contact, the films you watch, the music you listen to. You are influenced by literally everything in your world. Therefore, your first priority will be to keep the level of your consciousness at the highest level available to you for most of the day.”


Beloved Lanello, May 29, 2005:


“…what you need to learn in the near future is to develop a positive mindset to the reality around you. You must cultivate in your consciousness a positive image of the future for your country, for your locality, and for your family in the end…

Even simply being in an elevated state of consciousness and sweeping aside from yourself all the burdensome thoughts and feelings, you become a source of Light for your world.”



Messages as a Tool for Transforming the World


 The Masters teach that our world can only change by transforming our consciousness –  there is no other way. Change begins within us – we gradually get rid of bad habits, cultivate our best qualities, and only then does the world around us begin to change.

And that's understandable. An ignorant person will create problems for themselves, their family, their country, and their people. An angry person contributes to planetary cataclysms. A kind person harms no one. A caring person considers the well-being of others and nature. A compassionate person will provide effective help. And one who loves forgives their enemies and opens their heart to the world.


However, human consciousness is very changeable and cannot always remain at the Divine level. That is why our loving Teachers have given us Messages as a tool to elevate our consciousness.


 Lord Suriya, December 22, 2013:


“Your world is a reflected world, an illusory world. Everything in your world is attracted according to vibrations. Constantly being immersed in inferior states of consciousness, you attach yourselves to the low-quality external illusion.

Do you understand, beloved? All that is present in your consciousness is automatically manifested outside of you as your environment. So if you are always deep in the world of the news where there is violence, aggression, revolutions, and mass disorder, then after a while it all starts manifesting around you in your life.

That is how humanity goes deeper and deeper into non-divine reality.

Therefore, the only help that can be rendered to humanity at present is our Messages and our energies that we transmit into your world through our Messages.

Our subtle energies can neutralize a huge amount of negative energies of your world. This is our work on the maintenance of balance on the planet. Each of you can join this great work for the salvation of humanity on Earth.

With our joint efforts we will change the situation on the planet. For you it is enough to read one of our Messages given through our Messenger every day, sequentially, in the chronological order in which they were given.

Our Messages can change your state of consciousness, and inevitably your surroundings will change following your consciousness.”


Results in 20 years


 It has been 20 years since the first Message appeared through Tatyana Mickushina. Now, we can sum up the initial results of the changes that have taken place in the world and within ourselves.


The Masters have warned us that we are responsible for the state of everything around us. In fact, all the negative phenomena whether in nature, weather conditions, financial, social or any other aspect of life, are created by us. Negative thoughts and feelings give rise to cataclysms, while positive thoughts and feelings help stabilize society and the planet.


Over the past 20 years, how much has humanity progressed in its pursuit of Goodness and Kindness?




 The Daily News continues to report earthquakes, floods, typhoons, volcanic eruptions, wildfires, and military operations across the globe. The frequency of such events increases year by year.


But the Lords say that everything can be changed!


Sanat Kumara, March 22, 2005:


“The information field of humanity and the information field of the Earth are very closely connected and intertwined.

Therefore, any imperfect thought affects the entire planet, spreading round the entire globe and entering into resonance with similar imperfect thoughts and feelings.

In the same way, thoughts appealing to Weal and Good, positive thought-forms and emotions add stability to the whole planet and contribute to the alignment of the Earth’s axis.

In order that you can exist and develop peacefully, billions of Cosmic Beings are ready to serve tirelessly, day and night to balance and prevent many probable catastrophes and cataclysms.

This is also the help, which you can render to the Ascended Hosts.

Meditate on Good, Weal, and Love. Keep inner peace and calmness. Each of you must become a fulcrum on Earth, a conductor of Light, through which this planet will be balanced and the Light will flow, which is necessary for the Earth to ascend to the next level.”



And what positive changes have occurred since the Teaching appeared in our world? There have been many since the Teaching emerged.


During the reception of the Messages from 2005 to 2014, the Russian economy improved, gold and foreign exchange reserves grew, and industrial production began to rise. Russian science once again took the lead. In 2007 alone, several scientific discoveries were made across various fields, including those that received the Nobel Prize.


The seeds of a new consciousness are sprouting in those people who have accepted the guidance of the Masters, and the lives of these people are beginning to change.


Irina, Cairo, Egypt:

Thanks to the knowledge gained from the Messages, my worldview has changed a lot. I have found answers to many questions, particularly the meaning of life. And there was also another feeling that I'm only now aware of, which is longing.  It’s that profound sense of truly missing something that’s essential for inner integrity, yet not knowing exactly what it is. You can't quiet the restlessness; you just keep searching and searching… But the soul knows something, and it encourages you to seek until you find it.

The Teaching of the Ascended Masters is my compass in my spiritual life, as well as my anchor on Earth, in the physical world. It is something like a book of life, a map of life, guiding me to live with dignity and purpose.

The peculiarity of this Teaching of the Ascended Masters is that knowledge seems to grow within me on its own after reading the Messages. I may not remember the Messages word for word, but I know the answer, I know how to act. In other words, the Messages contribute to the manifestation of inner knowledge!


Olga, Saint Petersburg, Russia:

...my daughter had been dreaming of having a child for a very long time but with no results. And I asked my Beloved Mother Mary that, if it was God's Holy Will, a bright Soul might be embodied in our family. Then, probably a month later, while reading the Rosary of Mother Mary, I suddenly felt my heart flutter with unexpected joy. And my first thought was, "Baby!" I didn't dare believe it! And it's only now that I've decided to tell you about it. That spring, my daughter announced that she was expecting a baby. That brought so much joy…

Dear colleagues! Believe with all your soul in the Miracle of the Lord; do not doubt the help of the Forces of Light! We are with God, and with God everything is possible!


Elena, Kazakhstan:

After becoming acquainted with the Teaching and applying it in life, a series of miracles began. Studying helped me to establish a new relationship with my father. People who used to be my enemies have become my friends. I was able to forgive and let go of those people who once hurt me.

I think I've learned to enjoy every minute, every day of my life, and to thank God for everything He sends me.


As we can see, the lives of those who come into contact with the Teaching of the Masters of Wisdom begin to change in miraculous ways. Of course, these people have put in a lot of their own efforts. But it is precisely to the energy of our efforts that the Lords can add Their own energy of help.


Master Morya tells us: "The time for the active actions has come. You will be rendered help from Heaven in all of your endeavors, if they correspond to the Will of God!" (April 25, 2005).”


Over the past 20 years, we, as followers of the Teaching of the Masters of Wisdom, have had to learn a lot.


And the main thing that we continue to learn is unity, the ability to listen to one another, cooperate, and be ready to respond instantly to the call to participate in important and necessary projects that correspond to the Will of God. When everyone does their part of the job in the best possible way, masterpieces are born. Moreover, through working together, we cultivate essential qualities such as: tolerance, selflessness, and a commitment to seeking better results – which means that we gradually abandon our ego and build new communal relationships that are characteristic of the New Age.


Many of the followers of the Teaching changed their profession and shifted their focus to the younger generation. After completing special training in the Montessori method, they opened kindergartens and classrooms where they apply new approaches to the upbringing and education of children.


Some of the followers of the Teaching discovered their creative abilities. Someone heeded the advice of the Masters, left the cities and now lives in nature. Meanwhile businessmen familiar with the Teaching run their business according to the laws of conscience.






The Messenger's Feat


The most striking example of a new attitude toward work is demonstrated daily by the Messenger, who has completely devoted her life to Serving God and humanity.

Tatyana Mickushina is a tireless worker, as evidenced by Her dedication to receiving the Messages of the Masters, building an Ashram, holding meetings, seminars, general vigils, the number of books She has written, and the regularly updated Sirius website.


Even in exile, away from Her homeland, despite fragile health, She continues to accomplish Her Feat.


Tatyana says:

"The Lords are summoning under Their banners those who are ready to show the world selfless Work for the Common Good. The most effective way to spread the Teaching is through personal example and by organizing work on the physical plane in accordance with the principles given by the Masters.…

It doesn't even matter what specific task one undertakes. It is important to establish new principles of relationships based on the Moral Law, cooperation, mutual assistance and Love.…

And I sincerely hope that each of us will do everything in his power to make this world thrive."


Elena Ilyina, Irina Koroteeva



Dear friends!

Once the Teaching appeared in our life, it literally turned everything upside down, gave meaning to our lives, helping us overcome our shortcomings, opening new opportunities for work, giving us a sense of confidence, unity with like-minded people.

If you have a desire to share your experience and express your sense of gratitude to the Masters and the Messenger, send your stories and videos to the email:







Peace, Light and Love to you!