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On the Great White Brotherhood

An article for the Internet encyclopedia





      Influence on philosophy and science

Tatyana N. Mickushina

Ancient Greek philosopher Plotinus

       Theosophical ideas and concepts inherent in the Teaching of the Great White Brotherhood - such as the one Divine principle, Spiritual Hierarchy, the emanation of spirit into matter - have been close to Neo-Platonic philosophers since ancient times. By combining the philosophy of Plato and Aristotle, the Neoplatonists, including the well-known representative of Neoplatonism[1], Plotinus, redefine the ontological concepts of Mind, Soul, and the One and explain the creation of the universe by the descent (emanation) of the One into the lower levels of being.        This process takes place due to the excess of the creative energy of the One, and as the Higher Being passes into the lower, the Good diminishes. However, due to volitional overcoming, the lower being has a way of returning to the Source, and this dictates its desire to follow the path of evolution. Thus, the Spirit, materializing in the universe, naturally loses the property of Good, and each lower level of materialization is characterized by less perfection. This explains the presence of evil in the Universe - as the absence of the highest Good. Striving to return to the one first-principle, the soul goes through the same stages of perfecting, rising to higher levels of being.

     According to V.F. Asmus, the Russian philosopher, historian of philosophy, The main task of Plotinus’ philosophy is to consistently deduce from the Divine unity the gradation of everything manifested in the world, and point the way back to the original unity. This task is not scientific and not philosophical, but religious, theosophical. <...> Plotinus understood the immeasurable difficulty of this task. Only a genius, and, moreover, a genius in an exceptional state of spirit, can directly rise to the concept of the one, recognize the one as an unconditionally independent principle, see in it the foundation from which everything should flow. <...> Ordinary people, immersed throughout their lives in the sensual, as well as people who rise above it for a short while but then turn to ordinary material life, follow a path contrary to their true nature, and the farther away from it they are, the more difficult it is for them to return. Just as children abandoned by their parents and raised by strangers cannot know their fathers and, having forgotten their origin, cannot correctly identify themselves, so the souls of these people, who have gone far from the source, forget the last foundations of being, their father, themselves, their past.”[2]

     Neoplatonists also recognized and actively used mystical practices, theurgy, as a process of reunion with God during prayer practices.

     Porphyry, Theodore of Asine, Lamblichus, Proclus, Plutarch are the philosophers of the Middle Ages, also including Origen, Augustine the Blessed, Pseudo-Dionysius the Areopagite, Meister Eckhart, Tauler[3].        In the era of the Renaissance, the ideas of the Neoplatonists were developed by Nicholas of Cusa, Paracelsus, Tommaso Campanella, and Giordano Bruno.

Subsequently, the philosophy of Neoplatonism  

Tatyana N. Mickushina

Philosopher V. Solovyov

and related ideas were reflected in the works of philosophers developing the scientific method: the natural scientist, Roger Bacon, the naturalist- philosopher, Benedict Spinoza, the creator of mathematical analysis, Gottfried Leibniz, the creator of the scientific method, Francis Bacon. According to philosophers, the scientific method allows one to know the Divine nature, as God “is the first and only free cause of both the existence of all things and their essence.”[4]The politician and philosopher, Francis Bacon was also considered one of the founders of the ideas of the Rosicrucian Order about the Universal Brotherhood.[5]

     In the 19th and 20th centuries, with the publication of the works of H.P. Blavatsky and the foundation of the Theosophical Society, theological and theosophical views again gained popularity in the USA, Europe, and had a significant influence on Russian philosophy.

     The ideas of brotherhood, the supreme will, the moral and ethical foundations of science and spiritual evolution developed into a new direction of Russian philosophical and religious thought – “Russian cosmism”[6], whose prominent representatives among philosophers were N.K. Roerich, V. Solovyov, N. Berdyaev, V. Ivanov, N. Fedorov, P. Florensky, I. Ilyin, S. Frank, with closer to the middle of the 20th century - A.F. Losev.[7] The concepts of N.K. Roerich and H.I. Roerich, The Living Ethics, as well as of V. Solovyov about Sophia as a world soul, had a great influence on the development of theosophical ideas.

     Theosophical and anthroposophical views are reflected in the works of not only Russian philosophers, but also writers, scientists, artists and composers.

     Spiritual rebirth, merging with the Divine in eternity resonates in the works of the symbolist poets, D. Merezhkovsky, V. Bryusov, K. Balmont, A. Bely, A. Blok and writers, F. Dostoevsky, A. Platonov, S. Bulgakov.

“We were – a twilight haze, we will be flamy spirits.” [8]

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Konstantin Tsiolkovsky and Vladimir Vernadsky


     The ethical principles of science were developed by K.A. Tsiolkovsky, V.I. Vernadsky,  A.L. Chizhevsky.[9] Thus, V.I. Vernadsky believed that man is not a perfect creation and that there are higher developed beings besides him:

“Homo sapiens is not the completion of creation, he does not own a perfect mental apparatus. He serves as an intermediate element in a lengthy chain of creatures who have their past, and, obviously, will have a future.”[10]

     K.E. Tsiolkovsky pointed to the existence of planets at the highest stages of evolution and inhabited by “higher people.”[11]

“… We must admit the existence of many gods of various ranks. The higher they are, the farther they are from a person, the more incomprehensible to him.”[12]

     According to researchers of “Russian cosmism”, this is “a unique phenomenon of Russian culture,” however, “in Soviet times, all the diversity and polyphonic universality of Russian cosmism as an integral phenomenon was enclosed in a clearly defined circle of ideological dogmas ... Having lost its spiritual foundation, cosmism, in fact, ceased to exist on a national basis, and as an independent philosophical movement.”[13]


In history


According to theosophists, major figures of world religions and theological organizations, composers, scientists, humanist rulers and many other famous people were related to the Great White Brotherhood: they were members of the Great White Brotherhood or studied, contacted them.[14] However, there are not many historical sources in which it is mentioned that persons recognized by theosophists consider themselves members of the Great White Brotherhood. Among the historical figures who referred to themselves as “missionaries” of the Great White Brotherhood can be mentioned, the philosophers Roger Bacon, Francis Bacon, Thomas More, as well as Nicholas and Helena Roerich, Helena P. Blavatsky, A.N. Scriabin.[15] Also, members of the Rosicrucian Order considered as their mission to serve the “Universal Brotherhood”, while clarifying that the "Universal Brotherhood" and the “Brotherhood of Shambhala” are one and the same.[16]

As far as it concerns the other members of the Great White Brotherhood, the historical figures who actually existed and perform a significant role in the development of mankind, this can be judged on the basis of the Theosophical works.” Helena Roerich described their position in society and mission:

“...They came from all the great founders of kingdoms, religions, philosophies, and most of the alchemists and individual figures of saints, but don't look for them in the narrow, dogmatic. They are the founders of a living religion of the heart, but not of enslaving dogmas.[17]

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Akbar the Great and Saint Germain

The esoteric tradition includes such historical figures as Apollonius of Tyana, Ramses II, Pythagoras, Plato, Origen, Confucius, Lao Tzu, Shankara, Sergius of Radonezh, Akbar the Great, Jacob Boehme, Dante, Giordano Bruno, Joan of Arc, Campanella, Saint Germain and many others among the incarnations of the Founders of Shambhala.[18] Also, the esoteric tradition claims that the Great spiritual Teachers of mankind - Krishna, Buddha, Jesus - were “incarnations of cosmic Avatars.”[19]

A famous historical figure is the Count of Saint Germain. Theosophists believe that his name does not refer to birth, but to his occult abilities.[20] It means “The Comrade (Lat. comes) of the Sacred Brotherhood.”[21]

He was described as a man with outstanding intellectual abilities, brilliant speech and a mysterious way of life that dazzled and amazed society.[22]


Helena P. Blavatsky wrote:

Saint Germain was certainly the greatest Eastern adept that Europe has seen in recent centuries. But Europe did not recognize him.[23]



In literature416HADQC6SL._SX325_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg


   Phylos. A Dweller on Two Planets. The action takes place in America in the 19th century. The novel describes the Lotinian Brotherhood, whose disciples are also called “Sons of Solitude” or “Disciples of God”. Parallels are drawn between disciples and yogis of Hindustan, who unite not only for the purpose of studying occultism: “The one who really attained achievements, fulfill them himself, he grows independently. His knowledge is not the result of learning together with others. Knowledge is not in books. Every disciple of God is a shining center of Divine wisdom himself.  The very vows asked of initiates are but tests to determine if in themselves they are that which they seek to affiliate with.[24]


   Elizabeth Haich. Initiation.[25]  The book describes Brotherhood, or a secret order, that existed in Ancient Egypt, in which there were no visible forms of membership. Deep down, a person download.jpgmakes a decision to give up attachments to the manifestations of the physical world, and this decision triggers the mechanism of following the Path of Initiations. For seven years, the person had to undergo tests without having contact with the order. Among them are: the liberation from sensuality, anger, vanity, greed, envy, sensitivity, the ability to resist external influences. After that, he received deeper training and special tasks as a servant of the great plan. With the growth of the spiritual development of a member of the order, the responsibility for the actions performed also increased.


   Disciple. The life of initiate. H.P. The book describes several years of the life of Justin Morward Haig – an Initiate, Adept of the White Brotherhood - on the territory of London in the XIX century. The author claims that he was his student and a witness to all the stories described. The book repeatedly mentions the White Brotherhood and reveals the true meaning of its service to humanity on Earth: “As for the last few years, during which we have worked so unanimously together, let me thank you for your sympathy, which has brought so much happiness to these years, and for your receptivity, which has allowed me to gradually impart to you a little knowledge that the Brotherhood decided to share with you. After all, it is not the ones we have patronized who need to thank us for our help – it is we who are thankful to those who have allowed us to help them take a walk along the evolutionary path, thus giving us the opportunity to do what we want to do more than anything else in the world.”[26]


   Saved by the Light[27]  is a series of autobiographical books in which the author, Dannion Brinkley, tells about three experiences of clinical death. Each of these episodes were accompanied by the51gwpUHeqsL.jpg author's entry into a different dimension, located at a different vibrational level. Being in another dimension, Dannion communicated with thirteen Beings of Light who are observing the evolution of the planet Earth. According to the author, the creatures helped him to realize his degradation as a man created by God, gave instructions concerning the evolution of mankind, and also informed him what would happen on Earth in the next 50 years. As the author himself points out, the Beings of Light whom he met in the spiritual realm are Ascended Masters living in the planes of the Spirit.



   Concordia Antarova. Two Lives. The main character of the novel-Lyovushka, was  being educated by the Bright Brotherhood, and Great Teachers lead him on the path of self-development and service to high ideals. His Teachers were Hilarion, Paul the Venetian and El Morya, as well as Sanat Kumara, Saint Germain and others. In the book, they are all Lords of the Great White Brotherhood. Work for the common good is the highest value in the novel.[28] The Bright Brothers are described as senior friends and spiritual mentors with the highest spiritual and moral principles. They apply these principles in Their lives every day, also instructing other people who meet Them during their lives: "This is how a person can be happy with his inner state. That's where the power of helping people without words, without sermons by one living example comes from.”[29]


In predictions


Vanga on the Teaching of the Great White Brotherhood:


The new Teaching will come from Russia – there will be a pure Russia, there will be a White Brotherhood in Russia. From here, the Teaching will begin its march around the world. The Teaching of the White Brotherhood… Like a white flower, it will cover the Earth, and thanks to this Teaching, people will be saved.

“This is a New Teaching,” she said, "but built on the foundations of the old one. The old here can be compared to the roots, and the new is like a flower blooming in the sun. The most ancient Teaching will come to the world soon. They ask me: “How soon will this time come?” No, not soon. Syria hasn't fallen yet!”[30]


People who worked on this article for Wikipedia:

  Konstantin Ovchinnikov, Tatyana Macherkevich, Victoria Yerofeyeva, Natalia Limonova, Ilseyar Bikkenova, Dmitry Novoselov


The publication was prepared by Elena Ilyina


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[1] Shichalin A. Neoplatonism. New philosophical encyclopedia. Electronic library of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In Russian

[2] Asmus V.F. Ancient philosophy. – Vy’sshaya shkola, 2009 .—p. 400  In Russian

[3] Shichalin A. Neoplatonism. New philosophical encyclopedia. Electronic library of the Institute of Philosophy of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In Russian

[4] Benedict Spinoza. Wikiquote.  In Russian

[5] Sparov V. Complete history of secret societies and sects of the world. Francis Bacon. WikiReading. In Russian

[6]  Gindilis L.M. Russian cosmism and living ethics (in Russian) /Cosmism in philosophy of the XX-XXI centuries. - p. 24.

[7] Frolov V.V. Cosmism of N.A. Berdyaev's philosophy and the Roerichs' worldview (in Russian) /Cosmic worldview - new thinking of the XXI century: Materials of the international conference.

[8] Andrey Bely. “Karma”. Russian poetry.

[9] Nazarov A.G. What is cosmism in the idea of the noosphere (in Russian) / Cosmic worldview - new thinking of the XXI century: Materials of the international conference.

[10] Vernadsky V.I. Scientific thought as a planetary phenomenon / F.T. Yanshina. - Moscow: Nauka, 1991 .—p. 271  In Russian

[11] Tsiolkovsky K.E. Scientific ethics. Essays on the Universe. - Moscow, 1992 .— p. 127  In Russian

[12] Tsiolkovsky K.E. Is there God? Essays on the Universe. - Moscow, 1992 .-- p. 217 In Russian

[13] Salmina I.Y., Kuznetsov Y.V. Philosophical and religious and literary-artistic movements in the philosophy of Russian cosmism of the late 19th - early 20th centuries (in Russian) / Vestnik MGTU (Moscow State Technical University) - 2010. - T. 13, No. 2.

[14] Roerich H.I. Supermundane, 1938. Agni Yoga Society.

[15] Bandura A. A. “N. Scriabin - mysticism of creativity and magic of sound and light” (in Russian) // Bulletin of theosophy. — 1993. M. Handel. Mysteries of the Rosicrucians. WikiReading.

[16] Jan van Rijckenborgh, Catharose de Petri: The Universal Gnosis. Theosophy in Russia.

[17] Letters of H. Roerich  Volume II (1934)— - International Center of the Roerichs, 2013.

[18] Kovaleva N. On the path to Shambhala. - M.: Ripol-classic, 2004 — p. 318  In Russian

[19] Marianis A., Kovaleva N. Avatars of Shambhala. - Eksmo, 2010. In Russian

[20] Paul Shakornak. The legend of Count Saint Germain. Cultural and educational magazine “Delphis”

[21] Paul Shakornak. Count Saint Germain. The keeper of all secrets / M. de Bren. - Veche. – p. 320

[22] Blavatsky H.P. The tablets of Astral Light. - Moscow: Eksmo-Press, 2002. p. 534- 896

[23] Blavatsky H.P. The Theosophical Glossary. - Sphera, 2009.

[24] Phylos. A dweller on two planets / S. Belyaev. - Moscow: Sphera, 2011. – p. 512 In Russian

[25] Elizabeth Heich. Initiation. - Sofia, 2012. – p. 512  In Russian

[26] H.P. The Life of the Initiate / N. Protasov. - Sphere, 2003. – p. 480  In Russian

[27] Dannion Brinkley. Saved by the light. - Moscow: Longfellow, 2004. – p. 360; Brinkley K., Brinkley D. Secrets of the Light. About our Life in two worlds. - Moscow: Longfellow, 2005. – p. 224  In Russian

[28] Milanova A. “Two Lives” by Antarova - esotericism in prose (in Russian) // Ethical and philosophical journal “Facets of the Epoch”. - 2018. - March 5 (No. 73).

[29] Antarova C. Two Lives. Part 1. - Moscow: Sirin prema. - p. 230 p. 510  In Russian

[30] Vanga. The complete collection of prophecies. - 2009. – p. 480 In Russian