Great News from America!

Book by Tatyana N. Mickushina

“Gautama Buddha” was given a 5-star rating.


This is the highest score in the largest prestigious international book competition


“Readers' Favorite book - 2024”, held in the United States.


Readers’ Favorite book Contest, held in the United States, is one of the largest in the world. Every year, thousands of authors from more than ten countries take part in this contest.

An extremely large number of applications creates a situation in which many wonderful books are not always appreciated.

It is very important to note that for six years, the books of the writer, philosopher, and public figure Tatyana N. Mickushina containing the Teaching of the Masters of Wisdom have attracted the attention of the jury and reviewers from Readers’ Favorite, and they have been rated and have won awards - the Bronze Medal, and also deserve the highest rating of this largest international contest - a 5-star rating!

The recognition in the English-speaking world of the importance and significance of the titanic, incomparable work of our Beloved Teacher in such a difficult time inspires and strengthens Faith and Hope in the Victory of the Forces of Light, which will certainly happen!


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Dear Tatyana Nicholaevna!

Please accept our Whole-hearted Love and Boundless Gratitude!

The Love of Your heart dissolves all the hatred of the world.

The Light of Your soul absorbs all the darkness of the world.

The Power of God in You resists all the illusory forces of the world.

May God bless and protect You and Your loved ones!

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The International Sirius-Center Team




 “Treasures of Divine Wisdom” - 2019

Описание: Сокровища Божественной Мудрости



Sanat Kumara” - 2020



Санат Кумара





Maitreya”- 2021





“Morya” - 2022  Bronze Medal





Kuthumi” - 2023


Книга Кутхуми




The book “Gautama Buddha” was nominated in the sections “Spiritual and mystical” and “New Age”.

The jury gave the book the highest 5-star rating in each of the categories considered: appearance, story, development, formatting, and marketability. A 5-star rating is the highest rating for a book. This gives us the right to purchase silver embossed stickers that indicate that this book is a “Readers' Favorite Five Stars” - with a 5-star rating.


We offer to your attention a review of Frank Mutuma on the book “Gautama Buddha” for the Readers' Favorite book Contest - 2024.


What is the role of consciousness and human beings in general in maintaining a proper balance on earth?

Siddhartha Gautama was born a prince with all the wealth and luxury that life could offer, but he gave up everything in search of the meaning of life and to end suffering. Buddha is not a name but a title, which means the state of consciousness of one who has beheld the truth and made himself the master of the highest wisdom. All living organisms are part of creation, and none should deem itself more important. All beings should coexist harmoniously and become part of the links and transformations, hence joining the next level of human evolution. To find out more about fulfilling living and our role in maintaining a balanced living, get a copy of Gautama Buddha by Tatyana N. Mickushina.

Gautama Buddha by Tatyana N. Mickushina is a thought-provoking book that got me thinking about deep questions in life, including our duty to other creations, plants included. It offers a unique perspective I hadn't thought about before. I loved the tone and narration Tatyana used, which I found to be very welcoming. Another great aspect is how effective the book is at conveying the intended message without alienating anyone. The book is a wealth of information, and readers can use it as a guide to different approaches to life. Readers will also appreciate the easy-to-understand language used, which makes it accessible to all kinds of readers. I cannot wait to read something else by this talented author.



The book “GAUTAMA BUDDHA” from the “Masters of Wisdom” series


The book is published in several languages:










Gautama Buddha только книгаGautama Buddha, the Lord of the World... He attained the highest enlightenment, attained nirvana and... He returned to people to show them the path to liberation from the Wheel of Samsara. He voluntarily renounced personal bliss for millions of years, preferring the hard work of saving humanity. And nowadays, Gautama Buddha, as the Lord of the World, keeps a vigilant watch for the benefit of the people of the Earth.

The great patron of all living beings, He has come again to share with us His Wisdom and Divine vision. Since 2005, Gautama Buddha has been giving His instructions through the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Tatyana N. Mickushina, supporting humanity in the difficult time of the change of Epochs.


“I sat under a banyan tree in the meditation pose. My consciousness left Me. And I ascended to another reality, a more subtle reality that became more real for Me than the jungle where I had left My physical body.

I continued sitting under the tree and at the same time dwelling in another reality where there is no time. I experienced bliss, and joy, and freedom.


What made Me return to My body that I had left in the jungle sitting under the banyan tree in the pose of meditation?

I had to tell other people about the experience I had: I found a place inside of Me where there was neither pain nor suffering, where there was only bliss, peace, and infinite Love.” (Gautama Buddha, March 23, 2005)








Other books from the “Masters of Wisdom” series


This series of books presents a collection of Messages from various Masters most known to contemporary humanity. Each of the Masters of Wisdom has their own characteristic vibrations.

Each of them strives to give us, the currently living generation of people, what they consider most vital at the present moment of transition.



All books can be ordered at AMAZON:

Masters of Wisdom
