3-Day Prayer Vigil, aimed at World peace, the elevation of consciousness, and the transmutation of karma


 September 22, 23, and 24, 2017



Описание: СириуС:ИЗОБРАЖЕНИЯ:Картинки:God-loves-us.jpg


Dear friends,


During the days of the autumnal equinox, I invite you to join together in a 3-day prayer Vigil. The Vigil will be unusual. Each day of the Vigil, different tasks will be solved with the help of our prayers.


September 22nd – is the autumnal equinox. In astrology, the autumnal equinox is one of the four important temporal cardinal points of the year.


During the autumnal equinox, a powerful energy release occurs in space that gives rise to a new action, a new countdown. The powerful energy impulse nourishes all life on Earth and provides an opportunity to start everything anew, show initiative, and to be active.


Thus, on the equinox you can enter another way of life, a new season, a new phase of life and active work, accordingly, new energies are manifested in space at this time. I propose to use this opportunity and create a peaceful future for our world!


September 23rd – is the day when the dispensation of the 23rd day of the month is active. On that day, our prayer efforts will be multiplied not only by the number of people who are praying at the same time, but also by the number of people who pray for at least one hour in accordance with the dispensation throughout the entire day of the 23rd.


By directing the power of our prayer at peace-building in critical moments, and skillfully using the situation, we are able, with small efforts, to prevent great trouble.


September 24th – is Sunday, and we can devote more time to God.


You can participate in the Vigil for all three days, or choose a convenient day and time for yourself, when nothing will distract you.


September 22


We will be reading 4 Rosaries:


04:00 am CDT - The Rosary of Elohim Peace-1. Join the streaming here:  


07:00 am CDT - The Rosary of Elohim Peace-2. Join the streaming here:   


10:00 am CDT - The Rosary of Elohim Peace-1. Join the streaming here:   


01:00 pm CDT - The Rosary of Elohim Peace-2. Join the streaming here:   



The time is specified for CDT time zone.


If you can't read the Rosaries all 4 times, read as many times as it is possible for you.


Please read the following Prayer Call to focus the efforts before reading the Rosary on September 22:


In the name of I AM THAT I AM, in the name of God the Almighty, I am appealing to all the Ascended Hosts, to the Hierarchy of Light, that is supervising the evolution of humanity and directing the development of humanity of the Earth along the Divine Path. 


I am asking that the energy of my prayer be directed by the Ascended Hosts at neutralizing the activity of those forces that promote incitement to war, revolutions, economic instability, animosity of a national, property, or religious character, implement terrorist acts, and create points of tension on Earth.


I am asking to put out the fire of all wars that are currently taking place on the globe and to dissolve the causes of World War III.

I am asking the Ascended Hosts to take control of and prevent the development, spread and use of the following new types of weapons of mass destruction: nuclear, biological, chemical, chem-trails, electronic, psychophysical, information, infrasound, plasma, electromagnetic, ultrasound, laser, climatic, natural and tectonic, seismological, genetic, and others.


I am also asking that the energy of my prayer be directed by the Ascended Hosts at creating peace in the whole world and elevating the consciousness of mankind on planet Earth to the level at which all people feel like brothers and sisters regardless of their faith, religion, skin color, nationality, or ethnicity.


Personal prayer (Here you can say your personal requests and wishes.)

I am asking that the energy of my prayer be multiplied by the number of people who participate in this Vigil for World Peace, and by the energies of the day of the autumnal equinox!


Let God's Holy Will be done! Amen!


September 23


We will be reading 4 Rosaries:


4:00 am CDT - The Rosary "Spiritual mission of Russia". Join the streaming here:


7:00 am CDT - Mother Mary’s Rosary for Russia. Join the streaming here:


10:00 am CDT - The Rosary "Spiritual mission of Russia". Join the streaming here:


1:00 pm CDT -  Mother Mary’s Rosary for Russia. Join the streaming here:



The time is specified for CDT time zone.


If you can't read the Rosaries all 4 times, read as many times as it is possible for you.


Please read the following Prayer Call to focus the efforts before reading the Rosary on September 23:


In the name of I AM THAT I AM, in the name of God the Almighty, I am asking Beloved Mother Mary, Master Nicholas (Tsar Nicholas II), Saint Prince Alexey (Beloved Lanello - Mark Prophet), Saint Princess Anastasia (Ascended Lady Master Claire - Elizabeth Clare Prophet), Beloved Master Igor, Ascended Master Nicholas Roerich, Saint Sergius of Radonezh (Master Morya), Saint Seraphim of Sarov (Master Serapis Bey), all the Russian Saints, and all the Forces of Light who wish to take part in this Rosary, to reinforce the effect of this Rosary.

I am asking God and the Ascended Hosts to take control of the spread of the slanderous film "Matilda" and stop the release of this film in all legal ways.

I am asking to elevate the consciousness of the majority of inhabitants of Russia up to the understanding of the feat of the Spirit of Emperor Nicholas II and His family and the greatness of Their sacrifice.


I am asking to transmute the karma of the revolution of 1917, of the murder of the Tsar’s family, of the civil war, of the repressions, of the dispossession and famine that prevents the population of Russia from rising to the level of consciousness at which all the conflicts of a national, property, or religious character disappear, and the Path of Light to the New World opens up before people`s eyes.


I am praying for a Miracle that will save Russia and the whole world.


Personal prayer. (Here you can say your personal requests and wishes.)


I am asking that the power of my prayer be multiplied by the number of people participating in this Vigil and by the dispensation of the 23rd day of the month!


Let God's Holy Will be done. Amen!


Many people who participate in our Vigils live outside of Russia and do not want to participate in reading the prayers for Russia. On September 23rd, the broadcasting of the Rosary "Work with karma" will be freely available for you.


September 24


We will be reading 4 Rosaries:


4:00 am CDT - The Rosary of Elohim Peace-1. Join the streaming here:


7:00 am CDT - The Rosary of Elohim Peace-2. Join the streaming here:


10:00 am CDT - The Rosary of Elohim Peace-1. Join the streaming here:


1:00 pm CDT - The Rosary of Elohim Peace-2. Join the streaming here:



The time is specified for CDT time zone.


If you can't read the Rosaries all 4 times, read as many times as it is possible for you.



Please read the following Prayer Call to focus the efforts before reading the Rosary on September 24:


In the name of I AM THAT I AM, in the name of God the Almighty, I am appealing to all the Ascended Hosts, to the Hierarchy of Light, that is supervising the evolution of humanity and directing the development of humanity of the Earth along the Divine Path. 


I am asking that the energy of my prayer be directed by the Ascended Hosts at neutralizing the activity of those forces that promote incitement to war, revolutions, economic instability, animosity of a national, property, or religious character, implement terrorist acts, and create points of tension on Earth.


I am asking to put out the fire of all wars that are currently taking place on the globe and to dissolve the causes of World War III.

 I am also asking that the energy of my prayer be directed by the Ascended Hosts at creating peace in the whole world and elevating the consciousness of mankind on planet Earth to the level at which all people feel like brothers and sisters regardless of their faith, religion, skin color, nationality, or ethnicity.


Personal prayer (Here you can say your personal requests and wishes.)

I am asking that the energy of my prayer be multiplied by the number of people who participate in this Vigil!


Let God's Holy Will be done! Amen!



T. N. Mickushina

Light and Love!




