Ascended Masters' Teaching
on Reincarnation and Changing the Consciousness
at the special event in Chicago
Chicago, IL, USA
July 2, 2017

Presentation on "The Teaching of the Ascended Masters on Reincarnation and Changing Consciousness "was very successful.

The time of its coincidence coincided with the Days of celebrating the Independence of America.

Many people at this time usually leave for the city and therefore, we were especially pleased to see new faces among our guests!

Our longtime friends from different suburbs of Chicago also came to the long-awaited meeting!

The atmosphere of joy and unity filled the hall and our hearts, it is such a happiness - to have the opportunity of Service by spreading the Teaching of the Ascended Masters!

The presentation on this topic about Reincarnation was new for us.

In the process of preparing and conducting the presentation, we experienced great joy from the opportunity to delve into this topic by rereading the Messages of the Masters Who gave us Knowledge of the Reincarnation Law and also looking again and again at Tatiana N. Mickushina Interview with Mystery Magazine, where she gives us her priceless vision And the explanation of this Law.

The chosen topic was very interesting to our audience, it was evident with what trembling and attention the audience listened to all that was said and seen, and how in the course of the Presentation their hearts were revealed!

One of our guests shared that he had grown up in a deeply Christian tradition and felt that something was missing him until he heard of the Reincarnation Law.

After the presentation, he bought the book "Shiva".

Almost all our guests have purchased books and this is especially inspiring and pleasing to all of us!

It is a great honor for us to represent the Teachings of the Ascended Masters here in America, transmitted through our Beloved Teacher, the Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Tatyana Nicholaevna Mikushina!

We are very grateful and happy with this opportunity - it's always a holiday

For our whole cohesive team, and this is always our joint work!

Ahead, in August we have a significant event - the Chicago Body Mind Spirit Expo, and we look forward to the opportunity to participate in it!

Low bow, Light and Love,

Lina Rick