Ascended Masters’ Books
at the Body, Mind, Spirit Expo
Chicago, IL, USA
August 2016

The Expo in Chicago had more than 120 exhibitors and 70 presentations. There was a steady crowd of people during both days of the Expo. Our booth was amazing -- it was full of Light! The Ascended Masters were with us!

One lady stopped by and asked "Who is this Messenger?" When we told her that she is Tatyana Mickushina from Siberia, the lady said, "Wow! She made it all the way to Chicago!" It seemed like Tatyana was here with us! Even if she is not here in person, people understand the significance of the Messages of the Ascended Masters coming here to America! Another lady remarked that America is so desperately in need of this guidance.

There was one lady who told us that she has been all over the Expo and that our booth was the first one that she stopped at. She said, "There is a Light emanating from the center of the booth that drew her in, and that the two people on either side of the booth were like pillars of Light emitting such strong energy that she couldn't pass by without stopping. She told us that we were forming a pyramid of Energy! She visited with us for quite a while, and thanked us for our Service to spread the ancient Teaching of the Ascended Masters. In fact, several people thanked us for carrying out this mission -- to spread the Teaching that is given in a simple language for the people living at this time. So powerful!

One person stayed at the booth for a long time on Saturday and visited with us. He came to the presentation on Sunday, and again he came to the booth for a long time. We looked out the window above our booth and the sky was a beautiful blue with a few puffy white clouds. He said that he saw a golden sphere, a gift from God, and that it was so beautiful he was getting tears in his eyes. He told me that he should leave to go to work, but he doesn't want to leave our booth! He stayed for 10 more minutes.

On Sunday, more than 20 people attended the early morning presentation "Ascended Masters Teaching about World Peace." People closed their eyes during the meditation, they listened to the information, and sometimes they nodded their heads in agreement with what the Messages were telling us. Afterward, several people told us how much they enjoyed the presentation, and some of them came to our booth and bought books. One man said that near the end of the presentation he strongly felt the presence the Ascended Masters. They were with us!

Everything was perfect! We touched the souls of many people. The time is changing and people are searching for the Truth. It was a wonderful experience.

With all my Love,

I always enjoy participating in the Body Mind and Spirit Exposition and sharing the messages of Tatyana and the Ascended Masters. It seems every year more and more people stop by our booth looking for answers and we are able to help them. I feel like a gardener spreading the seeds of spiritual knowledge.

This year we had many people participate in the presentation even though it was early Sunday morning. There were many people nodding in agreement with the Dictations being read by Jean and Maria. At the end it was quiet and peaceful and the audience applauded with respect and admiration.

Several people remarked at how much energy they felt as they approached our booth and as they handled the books.

We all worked as a team and shared in the work and pleasure of serving.

Love and Light,

The Body Mind Spirit Expo was the fourth expo in which I participated.

Thanks to the presence of the Ascended Masters throughout the entire expo, we were able to maintain a high level of consciousness. I express great thanks to Tatyana N. Mickushina for her Prayer Call and to the Masters for their support; we felt it very much!

We resided in a state of love and service; and the feeling that we were doing it for a good cause made us want to smile. The visitors could feel that as well.

During such moments, you forget about yourself. You don’t feel any hunger or fatigue, and all you want is to constantly give people more and more of your love and attention!

We dedicated our participation in this Expo to the transmutation of the karma of Russia and to burning the karma between Russia and the U.S.

Perhaps, that is why this time an unusual number of guests from Russia, Ukraine, Lithuania and Poland visited our booth.

One family that was especially memorable was a mother, father, and two children: a six-year old boy, Noah, and a one-year old girl, Grace. We all were surprised when Noah took the book Saint Germain in his hands and began to read it. His mother was amazed, and she said he was just beginning to read…

Noah could not stop reading; he looked at Saint Germain’s image, and then brought the book to his heart. Looking at this special child was very touching. He really wanted his parents to buy that book for him, but they did not think it was necessary, so we decided to give the book Saint Germain to the boy as a gift.

That family passed our booth a few more times, and the boy continued to hold the book by his heart.

At the end of the expo we were a little sad that everything was over. For us, the expo is always like a holiday!

With love and gratitude,

The Body Mind Spirit Expo in Chicago left me with unforgettable, bright impressions. In our hearts, we dedicated the Expo to the transmutation of the karma of Russia, and also the karma between America and Russia.

Many people who visited our booth were interested in the topics of reincarnation, karma, consciousness, and the future of our planet.

Many people found the answers to some of their questions when they opened and looked through Tatyana Mickushina’s books that contain the Teaching of the Ascended Masters.

Our work was built upon the feeling of unconditional love and respect to everyone who came to us!

We could feel how people’s souls were looking for this knowledge.

The feeling of joy was constantly present during the Expo.

We felt the atmosphere of friendship and mutual help among the members of our team.

Thank you to all participants of our team, and also to all the people who had the opportunity to come to our booth and get acquainted with the Teaching of the Ascended Masters.

I express my thanks to all of the Ascended Masters and to Tatyana Mickushina!

With love and gratitude,

(Tatyana has come from Los Angeles to help us and get such a priceless experience!)

The Dear Tatyana Nicholaevna!

Our twelfth exhibition at the “Body Mind Spirit Expo” has been just finished with great success!

I cannot believe that there have been so many exhibits! These years full of Light, Love, Joy, and the wonderful unforgettable meetings have flown by as one instant!

This Exposition was very wondrous and extraordinarily fruitful!

Many miracles happened there...

We felt extraordinary lightness, joy, and peace from the first moments of our participation in this Exhibition! There was not a shadow of a doubt that the Masters were with us!

People approached us and said that they followed the light spreading across the space in which the Exposition took place...

Some people could not pass by our stand, something stopped them...

We were called Angels because of our white clothes and some radiance coming from us...

Our friendly team united even more at this very delicate time, and the visitors to our booth really felt this; many of them stayed and talked with us for a long time, revealing their hearts and souls!

With great joy, we felt a significantly increased interest from the visitors at the Exposition in the Teachings of the Ascended Masters and the Messenger Tatyana Nicholaevna Mickushina!

Many of our guests are regular customers, and with great pleasure they purchased the new books that were published this year!

During these days, an unprecedented number of books and Images of the Masters were sold!

We haven’t really heard that anyone reads books in an electronic format only. There was a feeling that people have been drawn to their nature – to hold a book in their hands and enjoy reading it.

It was a joy to see how many young people are interested in the sacred knowledge contained in the Messages of the Ascended Masters!

We all felt an extraordinary burst of energy and strength!

These days we worked tirelessly with great enthusiasm and inspiration because we dedicated our participation in this Exposition and all the Divine energy released during the Expo to the transmutation of the karma of Russia so that it can fulfill its mission, and the transmutation of karma that lies between Russia and America!

In the first days of the Prayer Vigil, I had a vision of that the space over Russia became transparent and the streams of the Golden Light descended from the Heavens on the whole territory of Russia and the adjacent countries, and this Golden Flame of Light is gradually spreading across the planet, burning off the burden of fear and passions, and dissolving all the veils of illusion in the darkness...

This vision has increased in the days of the Exposition and it hasn’t yet disappeared!

We sincerely believe in the Miracle that will return Russia, followed by the rest of the world, to the path of spiritual development and perfection!

We thank God, the Ascended Masters, our Beloved Teacher Tatyana Nicholaevna Mickushina, and Tatyana Martynenko, for the help and support, attention and patience, trust, and the opportunity to Serve!

Our Dear like-minded Friends from different countries: Thank you so much for your help and support!

Here, in America, your brothers and sisters live and work, spreading the Teachings of the Ascended Masters contained in the books of Tatyana Nicholaevna, who love you so much and look up to you, and dream of peace and love on our beautiful planet!

With Love from all of my heart,