33-day Prayer Vigil

for Russia

August 15 – September 16, 2016

at 21:00 Moscow time or 1:00 pm Central Daylight Time


...the situation is so difficult that it is hard to believe it.

Mother Mary, June 23, 2013




The words of Mother Mary in this quotation came to me when I was thinking over what is now happening in Russia and in the world, and I was pondering what we can do to prevent the worst scenario.

In accordance with the science of synergetics, considering that the world is becoming more and more immersed in chaos, the weak effects of individual prayers can become much more effective when correlated and organized. That is why I suggest performing a 33-day Prayer Vigil for Russia from August 15th through September 16th, 2016.

Why is the Vigil performed for Russia? Because Russia is entering a difficult period that includes astrological, economic, and political arenas, and in accordance with the prophecies given in many sources as well as in the Dictations of the Masters, Russia must find and show the people of the Earth a new path for the development of civilization — a spiritual path.

It is quite natural that the old consciousness, the old world order based on the lust for money and the cult worshipping the golden calf, is resisting. However, a New Epoch is coming — the new energies of regeneration, cooperation, and Divine Freedom are coming to Earth. Therefore, the changes are inevitable.  

In order for these changes to take place with the least amount of losses, bloodshed, calamities, and troubles, we can give the energy of our prayers to the Ascended Hosts and ask them to dispose of this energy and facilitate the transition.

We know from the Teaching that every event is first formed in the subtle planes (the astral and the mental planes) in the form of energy, and then it settles on the physical plane. Therefore, through our prayerful efforts we can prevent or alleviate many unfavorable events: wars, terrorist acts, social explosions, natural and man-made disasters, financial and economic crisis.


The Vigil period includes several important astrological and spiritual events

In August and September three eclipses are expected:

August 18, 2016 is the day of a penumbral lunar eclipse,

September 1, 2016 is the day of an annular solar eclipse,

September 16, 2016 is the day of a penumbral lunar eclipse.

The Annular Solar eclipse on September 1, 2016 belongs to the same series of eclipses (Saros series 135) as the historical eclipse of August 22, 1998. As is known, a financial crisis hit when Russia announced a technical default on August 17, 1998, which was within the field of effect from this eclipse.

The eclipse on September 1, 2016, opens a new 18-year solar cycle. The program is laid for the following 18 years: until 2034. (You can read more about eclipses in “Sirius” №8, July 2016, in Russian.)

The day after the last lunar eclipse, on the waning moon, still within the field of the eclipse, the elections to the State Duma of the Russian Federation are scheduled.

August 23 is the day when the dispensation of the 23rd day of the month is active.. On that day, our prayer efforts will be multiplied not only by the number of people who are praying at the same time, but also by the number of people who pray in accordance with the dispensation for at least one hour throughout the entire day of the 23rd.


The purpose of the Vigil:

– to remove all the obstacles on the subtle plane that impede Russia from fulfilling its Divine Mission: to show people the spiritual Path for the development of civilization;

– to prevent any bloodshed, war, terrorism, economic crisis, default, natural or man-made disasters;

– to elevate the consciousness of all people.


If you wish to support the implementation of God's plan for Russia with your prayer, please take part in the Vigil.


Dates of the Vigil: from August 15 to September 16, 2016..

We will begin the Vigil three days before the lunar eclipse (full moon on August 18) and conclude the Vigil on the day of the lunar eclipse on September 16.


Every day we will read one short Rosaryat 21:00 Moscow time or 1:00 pm CDT.

The list of the Rosaries is provided in the chart below.



The chart displays two links to the internet streaming for each Rosary.



August 15


Rosary of Lord Shiva «Now your work for God is starting»

http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/Rosary_Shivy.htm  (Language: English. Narrator: Jean Kana)

http://sirius-ru.net/media/bdeniya/rosary_schivy_22.06.2012_bdenie.htm  (Language: Russian. Narrator: Tatyana Mikushina)

August 16


Sixth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary

«May the readings of my Rosaries become your immediate task in the near future»


August 17


Mother Mary’s Rosary for Russia

«Together we can work that miracle which awaits Russia»


August 18




Rosary «Mystical moment»

http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/Mystical moment.htm

August 19


Mother Mary’s Rosary «Spiritual mission of Russia»


August 20


Mother Mary’s Rosary for Russia

«Together we can work that miracle which awaits Russia»


August 21


Mother Mary’s Rosary «Spiritual mission of Russia»


August 22


Rosary of Elohim Peace

«Your primary mission is to elevate the consciousness of the people of planet Earth»


August 23


Rosary of Elohim Peace – 2

«Peace on the Earth depends on the level of consciousness that the best sons and daughters of God are capable of manifesting on the Earth»


August 24


First Short Mother Mary’s Rosary

«I need the energy of your prayers»


August 25


Third Short Mother Mary’s Rosary

«You should spend more time speaking heart to heart with me»


August 26


Fourth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary

«I invoke your consciousness Heavenward»


August 27


Fifth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary

«The manifestation of faith and piety is necessary»


August 28


Mother Mary’s Rosary for Russia

«Together we can work that miracle which awaits Russia»


August 29


Eighth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary

«The whole mechanism of a happy life is integrated within you»


August 30


Ninth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary

«The end of darkness is coming, and only Light is in store for you!»


August 31


Tenth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary

«Let God into your life»


September 1




Rosary «Mystical moment»

http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/Mystical moment.htm

September 2


Eleventh Short Mother Mary’s Rosary

«You should apply maximum effort to return God into your life»


September 3


Twelfth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary

«Always stay in Love, and everything will start changing around you»


September 4


Mother Mary’s Rosary «Spiritual mission of Russia»


September 5


Eighth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary

«The whole mechanism of a happy life is integrated within you»


September 6


Ninth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary

«The end of darkness is coming, and only Light is in store for you!»


September 7


Tenth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary

«Let God into your life»


September 8


Eleventh Short Mother Mary’s Rosary

«You should apply maximum effort to return God into your life»


September 9


Twelfth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary

«Always stay in Love, and everything will start changing around you»


September 10


Mother Mary’s Rosary for Russia

«Together we can work that miracle which awaits Russia»


September 11


Mother Mary’s Rosary «Spiritual mission of Russia»


September 12


Ninth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary

«The end of darkness is coming, and only Light is in store for you!»


September 13


Tenth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary

«Let God into your life»


September 14


Twelfth Short Mother Mary’s Rosary

«Always stay in Love, and everything will start changing around you»


September 15


Seventh Short Mother Mary’s Rosary

«Don’t stop your prayers»


September 16




Rosary «Mystical moment»

http://sirius-eng.net/bdeniya/Mystical moment.htm



Please read the following Prayer Call in order to focus the efforts before reading the Rosary:


In the name of I AM THAT I AM, in the name of God the Almighty, I am asking Beloved Mother Mary, Master Nicholas (Tsar Nicholas II), Saint Prince Alexey (Beloved Lanello - Mark Prophet), Saint Princess Anastasia (Ascended Lady Master Claire - Elizabeth Clare Prophet), Beloved Master Igor, Ascended Master Nicholas Roerich, Saint Sergius of Radonezh (Master Morya), Seraphim of Sarov (Master Serapis Bey), all the Russian Saints, and all the Forces of Light who wish to take part in this Rosary, to reinforce the effect of this Rosary in order to transmute the negative karma of Russia so that it can fulfill its Divine mission.


I am asking to transmute the karma of the revolution of 1917, of the murder of the Tsar’s family, of the civil war, of the repressions, of the dispossession and famine that prevents the population of Russia from rising to the level of consciousness at which all the conflicts of national, property, or religious character disappear, and the Path of Light to the New World opens up before people`s eyes.


I am asking that the energy of my prayer be directed at neutralizing all the negative astrological aspects and at reinforcing all the positive astrological aspects of the penumbral lunar eclipse (full moon) on August 18, 2016, of the annular solar eclipse on September 1, 2016, and the penumbral lunar eclipse on September 16, 2016.


I am asking you to prevent any bloodshed, war, terrorist attacks, economic crisis, default, or natural and man-made disasters.


I am asking you to remove all the obstacles on the subtle plane that impede Russia from fulfilling its Divine mission: to show people the spiritual Path for the development of civilization.


I am praying for a Miracle that will save Russia and the whole world.


Personal prayer. (Here you can say your personal requests and wishes.)


I am asking that the power of my prayer be multiplied by the number of people participating in this Vigil!


Let God's Holy Will be done. Amen!


Tatyana Mickushina

Love and Light!


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Please, download the text versions of the Rosaries in advance at 

(http://sirius-eng.net/articles/) and read them on your own if,

for any reason, you are unable to connect to the streaming on the Sirius website.




