4-hour Prayer Vigil
for Peace in the Whole World
August 23, 2015 at 4:00 am, 7:00 am, 10:00 am, 1:00 pm
CDT (Central Daylight Time).
Dear Friends,
In order to consolidate and multiply the prayer efforts that we have accumulated in our previous Vigils this year (February 22-23, March 15-23 und April 22-23, May 23, June 21, July 23), I suggest that we join together in a 4-hour prayer Vigil for peace in the whole world on August 23, 2015.
August 23 is the day of the dispensation of the 23rd day of the month. On this day our prayer efforts will be multiplied not only by the number of people praying simultaneously, but also by the number of the participants in the Vigil throughout the whole 23rd day, praying on that day for no less than an hour according to the dispensation.
The purpose of the Vigil:
- to use the dispensation of the 23rd day in order to reach a significant result with a small number of people praying;
- to prevent war, any bloodshed, or terrorism;
- to elevate the consciousness of mankind.
Date of the Vigil: August 23, 2015
On that day we will be reading the Rosaries at the moments of time spread out with 3 hours between each reading. Symbolically, we will be going around the square (quadrangle) castle creating the image of the Kingdom of God on Earth from four sides of the world.
From 4:00 to 5:00 am CDT under the patronage of Lord Sanat Kumara / Eagle Flying at the Northern gates we will be reading the Rosary of Responsibility.
From 7:00 to 8:00 am CDT under the patronage of Lord Gautama Buddha / Taurus at the Eastern gates we will be reading the Rosary of Truth.
From 10:00 to 11:00 am CDT under the patronage of Lord Maitreya / Lion at the Southern gates we will be reading the Rosary of Peace.
From 1:00 to 2:00 pm CDT under the patronage of Beloved Jesus / The Man at the Western gate we will be reading the Rosary of Love.
If you are not able to participate in reading of all four Rosaries, you may join the reading of three, two, or even one Rosary.
You can join the streaming here:
Rosary of Responsibility-http://sirius-eng.net//bdeniya/rosary_of_responsibility.htm
Rosary of Truth - http://sirius-eng.net//bdeniya/rosary_of_truth.htm
Rosary of Peace - http://sirius-eng.net//bdeniya/rosary_of_peace.htm
Rosary of Love - http://sirius-eng.net//bdeniya/rosary_of_love.htm
Please read the following prayer call in order to concentrate the efforts before reading the Rosary:
In the name of I AM THAT I AM, in the name of Lord God Almighty, I am appealing to Lord Sanat Kumara, Lord Gautama Buddha, Lord Maitreya, Beloved Jesus, all the Ascended Hosts and the Hierarchy of Light, which are supervising the evolution of humanity and directing the development of humanity on Earth along the Divine Path.
I am asking that the energy of my prayer be directed by the Ascended Hosts at neutralizing the activity of those forces that promote incitement to war, animosity of a national, property or religious character, implement terrorist acts and create points of tension on Earth.
I am also asking that the energy of my prayer be directed by the Ascended Hosts at creating peace in the whole world and elevating the consciousness of mankind on planet Earth to the level at which all the people on planet Earth feel like brothers and sisters regardless of their faith, religion, skin color, nationality or ethnicity.
Let God's Will be done!
Let the reign of Divine Truth be established on Earth!
Let there be peace on Earth!
No to forces of anti-Love!
I am asking that the power of our prayers be multiplied by the number of people participating in this Vigil for peace in the whole world and by the dispensation of the 23rd!
Let God's Holy Will be done! Amen!
Tatyana Mickushina
Light and Love!
Please, download the Rosaries in advance at http://sirius-eng.net/articles/request.htm and read them on your own if for any reason you are not able to connect to the streaming on the website.