The Books With The Messages
of the Ascended Masters

Dear friends,
The main part of the "Sirius" site represents the Messages that I have been receiving for 15 years, from 2005 to 2020.
Consecutive daily reading of the Messages in their chronological order as they are given changes the consciousness of the reader. Through this change of consciousness the whole surrounding reality will change.
One of the fundamental statements of the Teaching is the following: the outer world represents a mirror that reflects our consciousness.
Perfect consciousness manifests perfect world.
In order for the new ideology to prevail in the world, 1 per cent of the Earth population should willingly change its consciousness, raise its consciousness to the new evolutionary level.
Before you start reading the Messages, do read the recommendations of the Masters.
You can also purchase books with the Messages and the Teaching here.
I wish you Good Luck on your spiritual Path!
Tatyana Mickushina
Light and Love!