Question: Regarding the Time of the Vigil 




From the 15th of August to the 16th of September, 2016, a 33-day Prayer Vigil for Russia will take place. Some readers have asked the question about the inconvenient time of the Vigil for the region of Siberia.


For example, ‪Dmitry Sergeev wrote on Facebook:

Please send this request to T. Mickushina. At 9 p.m. Moscow time is very late for Siberia and the Far East, for example, which is 1a.m. Moscow time in Krasnoyarsk. One can go without sleep at this late time if the Vigil is performed rarely, but for a whole month... It would be great if additional internet broadcasting at earlier time would be set for the eastern regions.


Answer: by Tatyana N. Mickushina – Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood

The time of the Vigil was selected on the basis that 80 percent of the links to the internet broadcasting of the Rosaries are from the regions with Moscow time (plus or minus one hour).

That is why it has been chosen as the most convenient time for the majority of readers.

The number of people participating in the Vigil is very small: about one thousand people.

So, the significant astrological events are selected in order to multiply the prayer efforts and prevent a worst-case scenario.


In accordance with the dispensation, our prayer efforts are multiplied by the number of people who are praying at the same time. The multiplication occurs if the participants of the Vigil are in a harmonious state and selflessly sacrifice their prayer energy for the Common Good.

For example, if 1000 people will pray at the same time, their prayer efforts will be equal to the efforts of one million praying people: 1000 x 1000 = 1,000,000.


The Masters asked that at least 2,000 people take part in the Vigil.


If some people pray at another time, convenient for them, the multiplication of the efforts will not occur.


You cannot sleep because of hunger, bombings, disease...

But you can sacrifice a part of your night's sleep in order to avoid these troubles and misfortunes.

It is a matter of your choice.

For example, you can go to bed early, at 21:00 (9 pm) or 22:00 (10 pm) hours and get up 15 minutes before the beginning of the Rosary and get attuned to higher states and read the Rosary, and then go to sleep again. It will take less than an hour.

The path which is taught by the Masters is a path of Sacrifice.

You can only sacrifice yourself and what belongs to you, such as your free time, your night's sleep...

The lack of God in our lives results in the fact that we become inert, we do not have energy for anything: to read, to think, to ponder, to create something...

During prayer, if you pray regularly in the right state of consciousness, your whole being is getting filled with the Divine energy.

The more effort you apply, the more you get in return.

When you have energy, then you have the power and desire to change something in your life, in the life of your family, of your locality, or your country.

The Prayer Vigil is now almost the only thing that can help to avoid even the worst scenario, provided that thousands of people from different localities, being in the right state of consciousness take part in it.

I am not a politician, who can quickly change the situation in the country with a forceful decision.

I am not an economist, who can offer a recipe for an economic miracle.

My weapon – is a sermon and a prayer.

And I am doing what I can.

And everyone should do what they can.

And then the world will change!

The Tsar Nicholas II sacrificed his life so that Russia, as a state, could exist.

And we are unable to sacrifice an hour of our night's sleep for our children's future...

If we make a prayer call before the Vigil, the Heavenly Hosts cannot but respond to our call: the call compels the answer. And the help will come from the higher plane!

The Miracle will happen and the prophecies will come true!



Tatyana N. Mickushina

Love and Light!