Answers by Tatyana N. Mickushina



Will the Reading of the Messages on the calendar be suspended for the duration of the Prayer Vigil so that I can concentrate more on the Vigil?


The answer of Tatyana N. Mickushina:

No. The Reading of the Daily messages is not planned to stop. These two types of spiritual work combine well with each other. Both are the same vibrations of the Masters. After all, the main thing is that a person brings himself into a harmonious state. Then he will be a source of Light for the world.




Is there a registration for the Vigil, as it was before?


The answer of Tatyana N. Mickushina:

No. This is too complicated. Sufficient experience in participating in the Vigil has already been accumulated. Responsibility should be with each participant.




How to read the Rosaries? What is the best way to use the time between the Rosaries?


The answer of Tatyana N. Mickushina:

The Rosaries are read at the beginning of every hour. The thirty minutes between the Rosaries can be used to tune or read the Message. For example: If a person independently reads the Rosary again, his efforts will not increase. But if someone wants to, they can still read.




Is it correct that the increase of efforts will occur only if the Rosaries, the data in the table, are read at the same time? And before reading the Rosary the general appeal (call) on the site is made?

What to do if there is no Internet access, is it possible to just pray at this time?


The answer of Tatyana N. Mickushina:

Multiplication occurs when the Rosaries are read at the same time as the general call. Maybe for people who do not have Internet access, think of how to dictate or print the schedule? Maybe they have a book with Rosaries?




Many people offer to call their friends and invite them to the Vigil. Who can be invited to the Vigil?


The answer of Tatyana N. Mickushina:

It is necessary to invite to the Vigil those who are familiar with the Messages.

It is not our fault that out of the 144 thousand Christ-beings (in potential) that are in embodiment, 10-20 thousand people cannot be gathered to participate in the Vigil.