Books by Tatyana N. Mickushina
have been represented
at the special event in USA
Los Angeles, California
on September 16




On a wonderful Sunday in Los Angeles, we happily held our presentation on the topic: "Faith and Love are the basis of the Teaching of The Ascended Masters'." This is one of the teachings from the book "Sutras of the Ancient Teaching." We chose this topic as very important, as Archangel Michael transmitted to us in the Message of April 15, 2005: "Your Love and faith are the only things you need to implement your Divine plan."

We began our presentation with the Meditation of Love from Lord Maitreya, so that all who came to us could enter into our hearts, feel love in their hearts and enjoy our lecture in its entirety with love. At our presentation came like-minded friends and new guests.

During the presentation, we presented the Ascended Masters and their Teaching, showing beautiful slides. We also presented the new Messenger of the Great White Brotherhood, Tatyana Mickushina, by showing a video interview where Tatyana Mickushina herself talks about receiving Dictations. Our presentation was held in a warm, cozy, divine atmosphere. One of our guests said that our presentation is very beautiful, inspiring and she got great pleasure from it. Another visitor seeing the image of the Ascended Master Nicholas (Tsar Nicholas II Romanov) became interested and asked during the lecture, in which of the books are the Messages of the Ascended Master Nicholas? And we offered her the book "Word of Wisdom."

Within the framework of our presentation in the store, books were sold successfully, the books "Secrets of Music" and "Words of Wisdom" and a few other books enjoyed special demand.

Excellent support was provided by our like-minded friends who attended the lecture. One of the associates of our team, after the presentation, expressed his heartfelt thanks to all the guests and to Tatiana Mickushina for her grandiose work, and for this divine opportunity to receive this invaluable Teaching so that we could incorporate the Teaching into our lives.

We sincerely thank our beloved international team for unity, love and support, and also thank our friendly, warm and supportive friends for their help in the presentation. Thank you from the bottom of our hearts Tatyana Mickushina and the Ascended Masters for the priceless teaching. Thank God for this unprecedented opportunity.

With love from our team. Los Angeles.