Feedbacks on the
Hour of Mercy

The greatest Miracle on Earth – the Hour of Mercy of Mother Mary - takes place every year on December 8th from 12 noon to 1 pm local time.

On this Day and Hour, Mother Mary gives an opportunity to all people of the Earth, regardless of religion, to ask Her for anything. The Virgin Mary promises: everything we ask of Her during the Hour of Mercy, even the impossible, will be granted to us if it is in accordance with the Will of God.

Many miracles related to this Day have happened on Earth, and not only in the ancient past.

We publish the stories of our contemporaries about their fulfilled requests and the miracles that happened to them, sent down by Mother Mary in the Hour of Her Mercy and after it.

On this page you will find:

- written stories and comments by Tatyana Mickushina

- reviews in the form of short videos.

If you would like to share your stories about the help of Mother Mary and the personal miracles that happened to you after participating in the Hour of Mercy of Mother Mary, send them to: or