SiriuS - Ascended Master's Dictations

Cycles of the Messages

Use this opportunity granted to you by God to go through training and to receive instructions

Sanat Kumara, June 25, 2005

Sanat Kumara

I AM Sanat Kumara, having come to you again through my Messenger. Each time, the level of vibrations that we lower to the physical plane with the help of this physical conductor, and through these Dictations, increases.

As we gain experience, we manage to say more and transmit more clearly. Although the situation surrounding the Messenger on the physical and the subtle planes sometimes prevents us from transmitting a Message as efficiently as possible.

This experiment of receiving Dictations from the etheric octaves, which has been proceeding continuously every day for more than three and a half months, can be continued by us, provided that we are able to maintain the purity of the channel and conductor in the future.

The essence of this experiment is to enable those souls who are ready to perceive the information transmitted by us, to receive our energies continuously every day for a long period of time. The fact is that the physical world is like a swamp, which sucks in the consciousness of people like a quagmire. And when your feet sink into the quagmire, you do not feel anxiety yet, but there comes a moment when the quagmire draws you into itself more and more, and you no longer have the strength to get out of it by yourself. Therefore, we give you the rope of these Dictations which you can grab onto and get out of the quagmire of mass consciousness.

We provide you with the opportunity to receive a portion of the Divine Energy daily while you receive and read these Dictations.

In order to learn something, even at a normal school or college, you must attend classes daily and make your efforts to learn the material you are taught. Without daily efforts on your part, and without systematic attendance of classes, you are unlikely to assimilate all the information necessary for you. Learning the Divine science and receiving Divine knowledge is no different from any other training and education that you receive on the physical plane.

Therefore, the more systematically you read these dictations, the greater the effect you will achieve in expanding your consciousness.

Do not forget that all of you are at different stages of knowing the Divine reality. And for some of you, even the simple presentation of information that we use in these Dictations, will seem too complicated or will cause you irritation precisely by its simplicity.

If you go straight from school, to the last year of university, it is unlikely that you will be able to quickly adapt and understand the disciplines that are taught there, although the information is given in your native language and is quite simple in presentation.

The seeming simplicity of presentation does not always indicate the simplicity of the material being presented. The Divine Truth is very simple in its essence, but its perception by the human consciousness does not always occur, because the Divine world differs in its nature and its laws from the physical world. And you have to learn something that is not perceived by your physical senses. This gives rise to difficulties in assimilating the material, and doubts, and unwillingness to devote your time to subjects that you think are in no way related to your life.

Indeed, there are no instructions in these Dictations on how to achieve success in your earthly life, to gain wealth and recognition.

There is nothing in these Dictations for those people who have chosen the physical plane and the material world as the main focus of their efforts. For them, these Dictations do not contain any useful information. Because everything that is said in these Dictations is necessary for you in order to elevate your consciousness to the necessary level that will allow you to move to another world, a more subtle world, a world with higher vibrations.

If you meet a person who is completely focused on the material world, and start telling him about the information that you have learned from these Dictations, then most likely, this person will think that you are not right with your head. And it is impossible to believe that which you cannot feel with your own hands and see with your own eyes. That is why it is so necessary to refine your perception of the surrounding reality.

When you watch many TV programs or listen to your radio that is like you starting to hammer nails with a very sensitive device that can detect microns. Your organism is unique in its nature and it allows you to feel the subtle worlds, and to distinguish the vibrations of the subtle worlds. Therefore, please use your organism for its intended purpose. Protect yourselves from any rough and imperfect manifestations of your world. Because when you start to pay too much attention to any imperfect activity, then you lower your vibrations and can no longer distinguish what belongs to the subtle world, and you no longer notice the manifestations of the subtle world in your life. Your state changes throughout the day, it changes from day to day, and this explains why some Dictations resonate with your consciousness, and other Dictations irritate you.

Progress on the Path of comprehending the Divine reality has a very gradual nature. That is why we try to maintain your vibrations with the help of these Dictations at a high enough level for as long as possible, until your consciousness is able to distinguish the rough vibrations of this world and to distance itself from them out of a sense of self-preservation.

Before reaching a safe harbor, a ship covers thousands of miles across the rough sea and the stormy ocean. And only the memory of the native Home and the desire to get ashore make sailors withstand the onslaught of life's storms.

You need a compass on your journey, you need a map, and you need the skill to find directions by compass, map, and the stars, so that you are able to reach a safe harbor near your native Home. Therefore, we give you direction, and we give you instructions, and guide you on your Path. But you should always remember that there will come a moment when you can be left alone in the stormy sea. And it will only depend on your own abilities and your skills, acquired by you during the period of training, if you are able to overcome obstacles and reach the safe harbor.

Therefore, do not be lazy. Use this opportunity granted to you by God to go through training and to receive instructions. Master the skill of determining your Path by map and compass, by stars.

Do not allow any external circumstances of your life to stand between you and the Divine reality.

I am giving you this guidance today, because if you do not use the knowledge received by you in your life, then the opportunity you have been granted, of direct communication with the Masters, may cease. And who knows when you will get this opportunity again.

We can spend a huge amount of Divine Energy on maintaining our channel of communication, but if we do not see that this energy is assimilated by you and used in your lives, then the Divine opportunity will be over, and the Energy will be taken away.

You do not water a dead tree that is in your garden. Similarly, we prefer not to waste the precious Divine Energy.

I hope that you will find a free moment to retire and reflect on my words in the silence of your heart.

I AM Sanat Kumara.

© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina

Dictations of Sanat Kumara in the book "SANAT KUMARA"

This book contains selected Messages from Sanat Kumara, a Great Divine Being. Many Teachings are given in the Messages, including the Teachings about the following: - True and false messengers - Communities of the Holy Spirit - Responsibility for the fulfillment of the duties which one has taken on before incarnation - Proper use of the money energy - One's choice between the Eternal world and the temporary world - Overcoming the ego - The Path of Initiations and much more...

About Sanat Kumara

Copyright © 2002 - 2020. All rights reserved.
Tatyana Mickushina
Omsk, Russia