SiriuS - Ascended Master's Dictations

Cycles of the Messages

What happens is exactly what can you admit in your consciousness

Sanat Kumara, June 15, 2005

Sanat Kumara

I AM Sanat Kumara. I AM, having come to you.

With each of my comings and with each of the comings of other Beings of Light, your consciousness can accommodate more and more information. Regardless of whether this information comes into your being in the form of words, images, or energy. The interchange between our worlds is important in itself.

The constant attention that you pay to reading these Dictations is the energy that you send to our world. Your energy flows where your attention is directed. This is a well-known truth. And in exactly the same way, the attention that we pay to you in the process of giving these Dictations is directed to your world.

I send the energy of my attention to you. You send the energy of your attention to me. In this way we can exchange energies between our octaves. And the greater the number of Beings of Light and the greater the number of individuals who are in embodiment who join this interchange of energies, the closer our worlds will be.

The exchange of energy between our octaves was conceived from the very beginning of the creation of this Universe. And that point of materiality that you have reached now impedes this mutual exchange. Therefore, every attempt to restore the exchange of energy between octaves brings mutual benefit to our worlds.

Worlds are united through the exchange of energies. The energies from your world that are colored by imperfection cannot penetrate into our world. Only those energies, that bear Good in themselves and are colored with Love, can penetrate beyond the veil.

And our energies that we tirelessly send to your world cannot be felt by most people, since these are very subtle energies for perception. And your sensory organs are not yet capable of perceiving these energies. But the most sensitive individuals can still sense our vibrations even through the distortions that inevitably occur when energy passes through the veil into your world. No matter how perfect the conductor is, any conductor of our energies introduces distortions. There is no perfection in your world. And any person, if he approaches our world by his vibrations, can no longer be in your world.

The process of the mutual penetration of our worlds is very long and stretches for millions of years.

You cannot instantly achieve the level of consciousness inherent in our world. It will be like the flash of a supernova for your being.

And we cannot find ourselves in your world. For us, it is like death. Therefore, there are many ways that allow us to enter your world indirectly, using those individuals whose frequency of vibrations allows us to be present in them for at least a short amount of time.

You are also able to enter our world. The higher the level of consciousness that you are able to reach before your meditation, the higher are the worlds you enter.

You are not dense beings. If you perceive yourselves as dense beings, it is only because of the limitation of your consciousness. Rather, you resemble clouds or energy clots, which are able to penetrate and seep into our world. And when you move your consciousness into our world, then our world becomes as dense for you as your physical world.

It is all in your consciousness, and what happens is exactly what you can admit in your consciousness. Therefore, you are told about the expansion of your consciousness, about the elevation of your consciousness, about ascending to a higher level.

If you looked at your activities on planet Earth with our eyes, you would be surprised how limited your existence is. Indeed, you are imprisoned, as in a dungeon, in your physical form. And you will not be able to get out of your dungeon until you are seized by the impulse to aspire to freedom.

I speak in common phrases, and I give hints. It is not because I cannot tell you more. I can tell you much more. But your consciousness will not be able to perceive what it cannot yet accommodate.

Therefore, the evolution of human consciousness is very gradual. This is very similar to the evolution of human society. If only a few decades ago someone had tried to explain to you how the Internet or cell phones work, you would have considered it a fantasy and a pipe dream. But first, an image is given that we send to the heads of those people who are able to perceive this image. Then this image begins to take on flesh, details, and particulars.

Therefore, tirelessly, through many, many people, we send our images of the future for this planet.

You get these images during your nightly dreams and while you are awake. The subtle energies of my native planet Venus have approached, and they elevate the coarser vibrations of your planet, intertwining with them and gradually changing the main dominant vibration characteristic of your planet.

The Earth is very welcoming and hospitable. Many evolutions have found shelter here. And the consciousness of some people is already ready to move to a new level, is close to a new level, or has already moved to a new level. The consciousness of other people has not yet awakened completely.

However, we have proclaimed Victory. And the victory achieved is actually significant — 144,000 beings, who are in embodiment on planet Earth, have attained the level of Christ consciousness. This means that through these beings we will be able to strengthen our presence on planet Earth.

All of these beings are capable of establishing relationships between themselves on a horizontal level. All the organizations created by these beings, and all the projects that these beings will implement, will be able to carry the high vibrations of our octaves. Therefore, very soon, even those individuals whose consciousness is in deep slumber and unable to sense our energies, will be able to receive our vibrations, adapted to their perception through these Christ Beings who are in embodiment.

2,000 years ago, Jesus came to Earth and gave his Teaching. Imagine 144,000 beings who have realized their Christ-potential now. How much more influence can these Christ-beings have upon the world and its development.

Literally every sphere of human activity will be under the influence of these Christ-beings, scattered around the globe and carrying out the most diverse activities in their professional fields.

The process of changing consciousness cannot be measured by physical devices. You simply acquire an ability to see more. You see the reasons for the actions, and you see the consequences. You see how you can adjust and correct any inharmonious manifestations in the life around you. And when you gradually get rid of any extreme, negative manifestations in all the spheres of your life you deliver from that negative influence many souls and, above all, children and youth.

Soft music and the communication with nature can have a much greater positive effect on the soul of a child than you can imagine. And in the same way, when you do not care about what music your children listen to and what company they spend their free time in, then you grow the causes of your future problems.

Take away everything unnecessary from your life that, which you can exist without, and you will have a lot of free time for spiritual development, for communication, for meditation.

Very simple things that you can do in your life and which not only do not require large financial expenses, but also free you from many expenses, can lead to literally revolutionary changes in your life, a leap in your consciousness.

Revise your traditions, your habits and find strength in yourselves to get rid of everything unnecessary and not conducive to your spiritual development.

The recommendations are very simple, and their implementation will lead you to a guaranteed result.

You can think about and understand what prevents you from implementing these simple recommendations. And the answer to this question is obvious - your ego that finds thousands of reasons and thousands of excuses just so that you do not change anything in your life.

And now you see your true enemy. And your only enemy. Your ego, the unreal part of yourself, is your true and only enemy. Therefore, do not search for any enemies around you. Your entire environment simply matches you by the level of your vibrations.

And the advice that I am giving you, word for word, coincides with the advice that I gave to the people of Earth, at a time when I myself was in embodiment on planet Earth. Millions of years have passed. And I repeat the same advice to you, word for word.

If I were in your place, I would be burned with shame. Yet, you continue to do nothing and continue to amuse your ego. Have you ever thought that your experiment with your free will might come to an end?

Have you ever thought that sometimes a gardener has to cut dry branches and burn them, so that the infection does not spread to healthy plants?

And hasn't the time come, when these works should be carried out and are already being carried out?

You always have a chance to return to the Path that is destined for you and that will lead you Home. I ask you: think over my words. Is there so much you need to sacrifice in order to get rid of everything that prevents you from moving along the Path?

I AM Sanat Kumara.

© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina

Dictations of Sanat Kumara in the book "SANAT KUMARA"

This book contains selected Messages from Sanat Kumara, a Great Divine Being. Many Teachings are given in the Messages, including the Teachings about the following: - True and false messengers - Communities of the Holy Spirit - Responsibility for the fulfillment of the duties which one has taken on before incarnation - Proper use of the money energy - One's choice between the Eternal world and the temporary world - Overcoming the ego - The Path of Initiations and much more...

About Sanat Kumara

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Tatyana Mickushina
Omsk, Russia