SiriuS - Ascended Master's Dictations

Cycles of the Messages

A warning that you have chosen the most difficult path to the future

Sanat Kumara, December 1, 2009

Sanat Kumara

I AM Sanat Kumara, having come again.

I have come because I am overwhelmed with the feeling of Love for humankind. And I am ready to sacrifice all of my achievements, the whole momentum of my attainments, so that humankind can live and evolve.

Yes, the question is still very serious. We do our best, and every time we look back at you earthlings who are incarnated now, we watch what has changed. If it were not for my multi-million experiences of communicating with the humankind of Earth, I would have stopped this experiment a long time ago. But over that time I have loved the humankind of Earth and its best representatives so much that I cannot help sacrificing my momentum of attainments for you, Earthlings, time and again.

Actually, I have come in order to announce certain imbalances that we cannot manage to improve by our own efforts. We expected more support from the light-bearers of planet Earth.

When we started the cycles of Dictations through our Messenger in 2005, the Flame of Victory kindled in the hearts of 144,000 Christ-beings who are incarnated now! We were happy to behold this Flame, blazing up here and there on the planet.

However, in the course of time, daily concerns of life and the lack of aspiration and devotion put out the Flame within these pure souls. And now there are hardly a few hundred light-bearers around the world who are able to keep their momentum of attainments and to share their Light with others.

Where are the other light-bearers? When we started our mission through this Messenger, many souls remembered their Divine mission. A great number of them were attracted to the Teaching being given by us. Among those who were attracted, were even more who wished to take advantage of the Light being released. Yes, beloved, imperfection is prevailing in your world. And the first wave of light-bearers, who were attracted to the new source of the Teaching, dissolved in the sea of those who only wished to receive without giving anything in return.

It is a pity that among many, many light-bearers, nobody was found who would be able to overpower external and internal resistance and to withstand this unequal battle. I am talking about the battle using military terminology because nobody cancels Armageddon. Nobody cancels the battle that is being waged for people’s souls on Earth. And the reaping is greater from the opposing side than from the side of the forces of Light.

Our efforts to build a place on the physical plane where the light-bearers could combine their efforts and draft their plan of action have faced an unprecedented resistance. This resistance cannot be compared to the resistance that our Messengers faced in the past. Yes, we are able to act in the territory of Russia, but the darkness that has attacked our outpost on the physical plane from all sides has surpassed all our expectations. We did not expect and we did not take measures, because the main attacks that took place there were not from the forces of darkness but from the people who considered themselves the light-bearers — or they were the light-bearers until recently.

What do we see now? We see dissension, rumors, and gossip. We see censure and stench. All our efforts meet resistance, unprecedented resistance in people’s minds and hearts.

Time has sped up. Time has greatly accelerated, and the sad picture that we observe in our old organizations around the world has been manifested in the territory of Russia within just a year.

We are sorry about the wasted energy. This energy could have been used for the creation of a brilliant future for Russia. Now all this energy is lying as viscous treacle on the territory of the Ashram. Here and there throughout Russia, the former light-bearers sow discord and doubts instead of sowing Light, Love, and Hope.

I have something to say to our Messenger in this respect. However, I do not know anyone incarnated now, who if he or she were in the Messenger’s shoes, would be able to withstand such attacks from the front and from behind, from the light-bearers, and from government institutions and structures.

Yes, beloved, before you gain the right to guide people, the whole of Russia and all of its authorities and structures must pass tests; the same goes for the judiciary, the legislative authorities, and the inspecting authorities. However, the main failure we have suffered was from the light-bearers who turned from the eagle chicks of my nest into a flock of crows within just a few years. I grieve, and it is bitter and painful to see this and to be aware of all this.

We saw the other path, the Heavenly Path. Nevertheless, humankind still tends to go along the most difficult way. Well, we respect your choice.

However, when your sufferings, sorrows, and troubles exceed all imaginable limits, you should know that the Ascended Masters are always ready to extend their helping hands to you.

We are always ready for cooperation. We are always ready to render help. Your karma does not always allow us to give the help, but this is what you have created yourselves, and the Law of Karma keeps working inviolably in the Universe.

In order for the easier Heavenly Path to open again, we need the manifestation of your inner attainments. Your inner choices determine the future of humankind, which can change at any moment if only a certain number of light-bearers show unity and aspiration.

Every time, you have to start in more and more severe conditions. You have to overpower all those karmic loads that you created by yourselves.

In all honesty, can you say that you have applied all your efforts, all your energy and all your aspirations in the last few years only for Service to the Great White Brotherhood? How many of you can honestly answer this question affirmatively?

So, what do you expect in the future then? How can we evaluate your degree of willingness and your attainments if today you eagerly follow the direction that we show you, and tomorrow you will go in the opposite direction or even prefer to spend your time in depression and idleness or descend to the level of playing with the illusory toys of your world?

I have come with this message to give you an explanation about the situation taking place on Earth now and to warn you that you have chosen the most difficult path to the future.

I AM Sanat Kumara. Om.

© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina

Dictations of Sanat Kumara in the book "SANAT KUMARA"

This book contains selected Messages from Sanat Kumara, a Great Divine Being. Many Teachings are given in the Messages, including the Teachings about the following: - True and false messengers - Communities of the Holy Spirit - Responsibility for the fulfillment of the duties which one has taken on before incarnation - Proper use of the money energy - One's choice between the Eternal world and the temporary world - Overcoming the ego - The Path of Initiations and much more...

About Sanat Kumara

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Tatyana Mickushina
Omsk, Russia