SiriuS - Ascended Master's Dictations

Cycles of the Messages

All efforts of your will are required of you not to take the bait of the energies of the past but to aspire to the new day!

Sanat Kumara, December 20, 2006

Sanat Kumara

I AM Sanat Kumara, having come again in order to tell some joyous news to you! We commence a new cycle of Dictations through our Messenger. And, as always, there is a lot to talk about. This process of our communication and our applied efforts is not in vain. Every time we notice more and more new changes in the consciousness of more and more human individuals who are incarnated in this difficult time.

We come in order to reinforce and anchor our focus of Light, our flame, which we have tirelessly carried and given to mankind for millions of years. And now, as never before, we are happy to state that our efforts are so obviously reflected in the minds of people and in the activity that is taking place in the physical plane. We cannot help being surprised by the miracles that have already been manifested and that will be manifested on planet Earth, both with our help and with your help, and with the help of those people who have decided to devote themselves to serving Life and serving mankind of Earth. Each of you, our devotees, must be aware of the fact that at this difficult and life-changing time, one person only may be missing — the one with whom the circuit of the Divine opportunity becomes complete. So, if you are still in the state of indecision and hesitation, I recommend that you stop paying attention to your minor everyday problems as soon as possible and aspire with all your being to us in order to fulfill those tasks that we affirm in your consciousness and to the fulfillment of those tasks which we are calling you to do.

We are never tired of repeating again and again that we need faithful devotees who, at our first call, are ready to rise and go where their efforts and abilities are needed to fulfill the Divine Plan for the sake of which they have now come into incarnation at this hard time for the planet.

I always remind you of your responsibility and your obligations that you have taken upon yourselves before your incarnation because every time you reading our Messages, you experience inner thrill and willingness to fulfill your duty. Yet, some time passes and you forget about your obligations and your aspiration, and you succumb to the fuss of life which swamps you like a mire, making you rush along the wrong path, the path of chasing momentary blessings and pleasures to the detriment of what is eternal.

And now I would like to remind you once again that the darkest and most severe time of the year is approaching. This is New Year's Eve, the new day's eve. It is exactly before the dawn that the night is as dark as never before. That is why the phantoms of the past, the phantoms of your previous blunders and errors in the form of unbalanced energies, will appear around you and arise from your consciousness. These energies will be dragging you away from the Path. All efforts of your will are required of you not to take the bait of these energies of the past but to aspire to the new day!

It is very difficult for you to believe that the thing that I am telling you about is very vital and urgent for you. Believe me. The festive fuss and buzz must not occupy your attention, but rather, tranquil consideration, in the candlelight, of the things you are to do and of the ways to remove the barriers that prevent you from fulfilling your mission. Do not seek these barriers outside yourselves. Analyze your previous course of life and try to understand what is there within you that hinders you and impedes your advancement along the Path.

You know the Path. You have been shown the Path. Those of you who have gotten an idea about this Path and have felt an urge to overcome inner barriers and imperfections will never turn away from this Path of Initiations that we are calling you onto, and that is enough to instantly pull you out of the mire of life, and like a high-speed elevator, raise you to the top of the Divine consciousness. I am glad that many people have aspired. And I am glad that for many people our Messages are the lighthouse that shows the Path in the dark. I am glad that thousands and dozens of thousands of people have awakened but our task is to wake up millions of sleeping souls.

Therefore, we come and tirelessly repeat the Teaching, ancient as the world itself. Many of you begin to recollect your previous incarnations and those feats that you performed for the Good of the whole Life. This is not accidental, because now there are so many souls of light incarnated on the planet that the Heavens have literally become deserted. Each of those who are on the other side of the veil are hoping for you with all heart and soul and endeavors to help the birth of the new thinking, the new consciousness, not based on previous dogmas but on the Knowledge and Wisdom of millenniums. You have forgotten about the Wisdom that you were originally taught in our retreats. Now the time has come to return to Divine Wisdom and leave the labyrinths of the carnal mind. Your carnal mind is trying to persuade you and lead you along the secret passages and subterranean labyrinths of wrong logic. However, your immediate task in the near future is to recollect the only true logic, the logic of the Divine World. It does not matter how different this logic is from everything that you have encountered in your life; you have to accept this logic and study it — not with your external consciousness but with your heart. Only then, when you open your hearts and aspire properly, you will be able to comprehend the Divine Law and Divine Wisdom. Only the one who abandons earthly logic is able to be imbued with the Divine logic. This is the difficulty of your time because you have to take us on trust and to aspire to those cliffs, sometimes without any safety equipment. Then, if your faith is steadfast, you receive at your disposal the tools that enable you to surmount your path as efficiently as possible. One fine day you will discover that your consciousness has changed unrecognizably and there is no turning back to the past. The Divine Reason within you will triumph over the logic of the carnal mind. We repeat the things that seem obvious. However, a very small number of human individuals can fully comprehend and perceive our Teaching.

All of the Divine is very simple. This simplicity frightens off and is doubtful for those who still search for complicated paths and voluntarily drive into the maze of the teachings that lead nowhere but toward the death of the soul. We do not want to scare you, but warn that the cosmic deadlines have approached, and there is no place for the obsolete in the New World. At the turn of the year you must carry out a thorough revision in your minds, in your consciousness, and willfully leave everything that is not Divine and everything that prevents you from your advancement along the Path. You have some time, yet the time is short.

I have been with you today. I am happy with our new meeting.

I AM Sanat Kumara. Om.

© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina

Dictations of Sanat Kumara in the book "SANAT KUMARA"

This book contains selected Messages from Sanat Kumara, a Great Divine Being. Many Teachings are given in the Messages, including the Teachings about the following: - True and false messengers - Communities of the Holy Spirit - Responsibility for the fulfillment of the duties which one has taken on before incarnation - Proper use of the money energy - One's choice between the Eternal world and the temporary world - Overcoming the ego - The Path of Initiations and much more...

About Sanat Kumara

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Tatyana Mickushina
Omsk, Russia