SiriuS - Ascended Master's Dictations

Cycles of the Messages

The Earth is currently going through a critical period and turning point

Sanat Kumara, March 22, 2005

Sanat Kumara

I AM Sanat Kumara, having come through My Messenger again.

A verbal explanation of the forthcoming events always reflects only a small part of what is to happen and has a very approximate and probabilistic character.

At the beginning of creation, all events were already planned in the form of their probability.

In your world, there are such notions as the zodiac and the signs of the zodiac. For a person who is familiar with the language of stars, all the present and future events are recorded in this information field, formed by the manifested stars. If you mastered the language of stars, then you would be able to read the future of your planet written in the universal language of this Universe.

But you can hardly find a temporal astrologist capable of understanding this language at present.

The true knowledge, that is the key to the language of stars, and that allows to foresee the future, is hidden from modern humanity. Similarly, you are not permitted to foresee death and know your past and future, this knowledge is also hidden from you.

But the past and the future are determined by the present, every minute and every second of the present. In your world there are time and space limits. There are no such limits in the Higher Worlds, therefore the perfect matrix of creation can manifest itself in space-time coordinates in a variety of ways, the probability of which is determined by your choices every-minute.

Therefore, the plan for the development of the Universe, which also includes the plan for your planet, can vary within a definite range, but this range is limited within a certain framework. If the evolution of a planet develops on the boundary of the corridor set for it by the Higher Plane, the whole Hierarchy of Cosmic Beings intervenes to correct this evolution.

It has happened many times with your planet already. The evolution reached a certain critical point and turned back to the former safe channel.

The danger for evolution is connected with the extent of its separation from the Higher Forces, the Hierarchs of the Universe, from God and the Divine Law.

There are certain critical points in the history of any planet, as well as in the history of Earth, These critical points are determined by the zodiac and its cosmic cycles. At these points we check whether the direction, the informational field of the Cosmic Law conforms with the direction of the evolution of the life-streams inhabiting the planet. At these moments, the evolution of the planet is corrected if its deviation from a given direction of movement exceeds a critical point.

Nowadays, a similar phenomenon takes place. The evolution of the planet has deviated from the trajectory set up by the Cosmic Law, and requires correction.

We come recurrently through different prophets and messengers to remind you about the governing Law and the necessity to follow it.

All the prophecies about the end of the world and various disasters that have been given in the past and are being given now, are nothing else but reminders about the necessity to obey the Law governing this Universe.

The Law will be observed regardless of whether you wish to obey it or not.

The aim of the Higher Forces has always been to keep mankind away from the edge of the abyss, so that it does not destroy itself.

The help that has been and continues to be provided, is to expand the consciousness of mankind, to assist in overcoming the internal limitations inherent in people, and to help them ascend to the next level in the evolution of consciousness.

The Earth is currently going through a critical period and turning point. The task which is set before mankind now is to realize the fact that besides the physical plane there are more subtle planes, and that man is by nature a Great Cosmic Spiritual Being. Man’s potential is great.

But mastering this potential will not happen until man overcomes those qualities that are tying him down to the physical plane.

When we observe some of you from our ascended level, we sometimes experience the same feelings as you do watching an ant.

You may have watched an ant dragging a large burden towards its ant hill. From your level you can see the best path to take. You see that the path could be shortened, and the ant hill reached faster and with less effort applied.

If you watch an ant, you will understand the feelings we have when we observe your development.

And just as you do not undertake the task of doing the work of an ant, we cannot assume the fulfillment of the tasks facing you.

We can render certain assistance and we are doing it constantly, but only within the framework permitted by the Law.

One kind of help we give is reminding you of the cosmic deadlines, and of who you really are.

Your potential is great. And unlike the ant, which will not be able to achieve a human form of development in this manvantara, in this period of the Universe’s evolution, you will be able to manifest your true Divine nature before the end of this manvantara.

That is why we undertake such great efforts to prevent the destruction of the very physical platform, the Earth, which has sheltered you, and grants you a safe environment for life and development.

Each cataclysm, each natural disaster is a consequence of your imperfect consciousness. In truth, you reap the fruit of your disobedience, egoism, and obstinacy when you face these manifestations of the elements.

The information field of mankind and the information field of Earth are very closely connected and intertwined.

Therefore any imperfect thought affects the entire planet, bypassing the entire globe and entering into resonance with similar imperfect thoughts and feelings.

In the same way, thoughts appealing to Weal and Good — positive thought-forms and emotions — add stability to the whole planet and contribute to the alignment of the Earth’s axis.

Billions of Cosmic Beings are ready to serve tirelessly, day and night to let you exist and evolve in peace, to balance and prevent many possible catastrophes and cataclysms.

This is also the help which you can render to the Ascended Hosts.

Meditate on Good, Weal, and Love. Keep inner peace and calmness. Each of you must become a foothold on Earth, a conductor of Light, that will help balance the planet and provide the inflow of Light necessary for Earth to ascend to the next evolutionary level.

I enjoy watching the achievements of many of you. And I am sincerely glad for your success on the Path.

According to the Cosmic Law, I cannot come and shake hands with each of you. But you can reach my level in your higher bodies, and I will embrace each of those who come to me and shake your hands.

I AM Sanat Kumara.

© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina

Dictations of Sanat Kumara in the book "SANAT KUMARA"

This book contains selected Messages from Sanat Kumara, a Great Divine Being. Many Teachings are given in the Messages, including the Teachings about the following: - True and false messengers - Communities of the Holy Spirit - Responsibility for the fulfillment of the duties which one has taken on before incarnation - Proper use of the money energy - One's choice between the Eternal world and the temporary world - Overcoming the ego - The Path of Initiations and much more...

About Sanat Kumara

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Tatyana Mickushina
Omsk, Russia