SiriuS - Ascended Master's Dictations

Cycles of the Messages

Overcoming yourself, you are changing your world

Lord Surya
December 21, 2008

Lord Surya

I AM Surya, having come again from the very center of this universe, from the Great Central Sun.

I have come on the wings of love that I feel for you, children of Earth. I love the humanity of Earth, and every meeting with you is a milestone for me, which brings you closer to me and brings our worlds closer together.

I was flying in the space that separates our worlds, and I was thinking about how sometimes so little is needed to make the changes we speak about occur so that mankind could overcome negative states of mind and to break out into the boundless space of the universe.

I am ever so sorry that I cannot convey to you the state of infinite Freedom and endless Love that I dwell in. It is such a pity that very few of you, children of Earth, are able to read my Message.

The fate of your planet depends on how receptive you will be to subtle energies, to the subtle vibrations that permeate the entire cosmos. How successful the transition of Earth to a new evolutionary level will be depends on how successfully you will be able to tune in to the subtle worlds. Believe me, there are a huge number of better worlds. And these worlds are expecting you and they are open for your visits. Only you hinder the process of evolutionary development. It is solely you who separate yourself from the best things that exist in this universe.

Your planet has given shelter to so many souls! You truly are a priceless gift for us. Imagine that you go to kindergarten, to its nursery, and meet the inquisitive, wide-eyed children. Your souls, when I can come across them in the subtle world, are looking at me with the same eyes, full of thirst for knowledge, love, and discoveries.

Your physical shell sometimes conceals very vulnerable children's souls. You are forced to play the role of adults in your world, but your souls are still as inquisitive, gentle, and timid as before. Your soul is your inner child living inside you. And it would be splendid if you occasionally send love to your soul, talk to her, and care about her and whether she has everything she needs.

Sometimes your souls suffer in the unbearable conditions that exist in your world. And if you could hear what your soul is asking you about, you would hear that she is craving to be set free from the restrictions that exist in your world and to break out into the open universe.

Unfortunately, the karma of many incarnations makes you bound to Earth. And until you balance your karma, you will be captured by the physical plane of planet Earth. But as soon as the karmic burden gets loose, you will be able to experience life in a new way, and every minute will bring you joy and bliss. Fears will be gone, attachments will be gone, and again you will be able to turn into inquisitive children and joyfully absorb the Divine science.

Now the situation is hard for you because days have become compressed and time has sped up. Little time is left, and during this time you have much to do. Thus, even when you are absorbed in sad thoughts and melancholy moods, force yourself to shake off all sadness and depression. Your salvation lies in your ability to permanently experience the elevated states of consciousness. When your vibrations are high, you sustain consonance with the Higher worlds and it makes it easier to preserve guidelines in your lives. Consider that you can help many souls who are close to you and need your help. They do not know about the Teaching and do not remember where they came from and where they are going. The senselessness of existence forces them into making a lot of mistakes, wasting time and the Divine energy.

Your world needs Light, Love, high vibrations of Higher octaves; and each of you, my beloved, can serve as a source of joy, happiness, Light, and Good for your world. The only thing you should do is to make up your mind and to help everyone who needs your help. You should not seek gratitude but quench the thirst of your heart and meet the needs of your soul.

Your world needs conductors of the Divine energy. Consider how much better it would be for you if you quit groaning about your awful fate, chose another role for yourself, and acted as a conductor of the energy from the Higher worlds.

I am coming this day to replenish your hearts with joy, happiness, and peace. Be aware that you are not alone. And the period of time the planet is going through now will very soon be over. And it will remind you of spring coming after winter. The sun of your consciousness is destined to illuminate the darkness of your world. Therefore, when you feel depressed and lack energy, remember the dispensation[1] of consonance with the Great Central Sun that was granted to you last year. I will make every effort so you can use this dispensation next year and further on until the world terminates the dark period of its development.

The conditions that you are forced to stay in have been formed over millions of years. And now we face a complicated task of raising the vibrations of the planet with the least loss possible. And I hope very much that you render us your help. I hope that you will be able to tolerate more, and you will be able to keep your elevated state of consciousness no matter how difficult for you it might be.

The more you are able to preserve the inner peace and harmony against the external chaos and disharmony, the higher is the level of your spiritual achievements.

There was a time when the Divine Truth and the Divine Justice were defended on battlefields. It is much more difficult for you now since battlefields are not to be seen, but you are forced to withstand enormous tension of the battle occurring in your world. This battle has just shifted to other conditions. And you are forced to apply your efforts in courts, in various organizations, and in your relationships with your family and friends, colleagues, and neighbors. But the scale of this battle has not decreased. And the battlefield has shifted straight into your homes.

Everything depends, beloved, on how much you are able to keep your consciousness at the highest level in the most severe life situations.

Overcoming yourself, you are changing the external situation, and you are changing your world.

I AM Surya.

[1] See the Dictation  by Lord Surya, December 30, 2007, in Words of Wisdom Volume 3 available from

© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina

The Teaching of the Ascended Masters in the book "WORDS of WISDOM. Volume 1"

This is the first book in a five-volume series that contains Messages given by the Ascended Masters through their Messenger Tatyana N. Mickushina from 2005 through 2016.

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Tatyana Mickushina
Omsk, Russia