SiriuS - Ascended Master's Dictations

Cycles of the Messages

The New Day has come

Sanat Kumara, December 20, 2008

Sanat Kumara

I AM Sanat Kumara. I have come again in order to affirm the consciousness of Victory in your hearts! I have come for you to hear the joyful news from me! I have come to proclaim your personal Victory that you have gained in the physical plane of planet Earth!

Perhaps, you have not expected such manifestation of feelings from me. Well, I have been silently watching everything that is happening on the planet and in the Ashram of our Messenger. You know what contrast is produced by that comparison. Everywhere is the wind of changes in our Ashram. There is a breath of spring in our Ashram, and spring fragrances are everywhere, even in the middle of winter; because the new consciousness sprouts there. There we affirm our Victory and your Victory because many of you who took part in the construction of the Ashram most likely consider that Victory to be your personal Victory. And it is right! That is exactly what Heavens are expecting of you: that you start considering our proceedings and our plans as your own proceedings and your own plans. And it cannot be otherwise. You are our hands and feet in the physical plane, and our collaboration has only started.

Now I would like to tell you about the main thing. This main thing concerns the fact that we will continue our work through our Messenger with redoubled energy. You have passed the examination. I am speaking about the fact that thanks to incredible effort and concentration of all power, the construction of the Training Center is over, and we have gained a spot on Earth where we can give our Teaching on our territory.

We have already placed a number of focuses of Light on the ground of the Ashram. And I must say that this is just the beginning. And if we continue applying our efforts together in the right direction, unceasingly every day, then very soon the results we will have will exceed our highest expectations and dreams.

Now as never before, people of Earth need the Leading Light showing the right Path through the storms and tempests that are on the planet now. You know that when we have an opportunity to be present on the planet in our classrooms, nothing can threaten the country that is sheltering us.

We bravely look to the future and hope for your further help and support.

This small step is actually the most important and difficult one because at the beginning it is always very difficult to overcome the resistance of matter; it does not want to part with old vibrations and move to the next vibrational level. The matter is slow and does not hurry to awake from its centuries-old sleep. However, the dawn of the New Day is already breaking.

We are telling you that the New Day is coming on planet Earth. And this day will be much happier than everything in the history of humanity for the whole visible historical period.

Do not be afraid of the difficulties that are caused by those changes. All old and useless things will have to be taken to the garbage heap of history. Anything that impedes the Path will have to be taken away and burned in the cosmic furnace.

However, we widely open the doors of the cosmic opportunity for the individuals who are ready for these changes, who are tired of living in the conditions of the cloaca of the existing civilization.

Welcome to the radiant tomorrow! Do not forget, however, that this radiant tomorrow will be built with your help, with your hands and feet, with the aspiration of your hearts!

We just show you the Path and the direction according to which humanity should develop further. You must accept our Teaching and the principles of building the New World in your hearts. And then the whole planet will move to the New Day by collective efforts.

The old world will be off and away in the near future. The doors of the cosmic opportunity are wide open. Yet, be so kind to pass through the doors with your head high, your shoulders straightened and accompany your procession with joyful smiles.

You must understand that when a new Divine opportunity is given, there comes a time when all the old institutions established by mankind in the last centuries should be reorganized to conform to the new principles otherwise they will be swept away as useless trash, and the new ways of managing the society will appear in their place. You should never cling to the old and obsolete. We teach you to be ready for constant changes, for continual consonance with the Higher worlds. Only those of you who are not afraid of the changes will be able to adapt smoothly to the new conditions that are coming into the world now. And those of you who cling to the habits of the past and to their past attachments, those who are not ready for the changes, you will have to go through very hard times. Unfortunately, we do not have any more time to wait for the laggards. We are accelerating the speed of our transformations of planet Earth.

If you reread every single Dictation carefully, you will find many keys and useful information about how you should act in this difficult time of transition.

Do not be lazy. Understand that only reading our Messages is not enough; you should thoroughly follow the advice and all the recommendations given by us in your lives. And then it will be much easier to withstand and pass all the tests that are coming forth and have just started.

You have very little time. That is why you should make it a rule to put into practice at least one of our recommendations every day and to utter at least one of the prayer-calls given by us.

If you do not take at least one little step forward, you fall behind more and more, and you risk missing the Divine opportunity that is opening up.

We are going at top speed! We are ready for the changes that are happening. It is your turn now.

Awaken those who are still asleep. It is time to wake up; the New Day has dawned.

I AM Sanat Kumara, and I have been with you.

© Messenger Tatyana Mickushina

Dictations of Sanat Kumara in the book "SANAT KUMARA"

This book contains selected Messages from Sanat Kumara, a Great Divine Being. Many Teachings are given in the Messages, including the Teachings about the following: - True and false messengers - Communities of the Holy Spirit - Responsibility for the fulfillment of the duties which one has taken on before incarnation - Proper use of the money energy - One's choice between the Eternal world and the temporary world - Overcoming the ego - The Path of Initiations and much more...

About Sanat Kumara

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Tatyana Mickushina
Omsk, Russia