Used for spiritual work
There are weekly Sunday broadcasts of the Rosaries so that everyone can join in the spiritual work together.
Mother Mary's
with orthodox prayers
with orthodox prayers
with orthodox prayers
with Hindu mantras
Short Rosaries::
Big Rosaries:
Short Rosary (composed form the book „Agni Yoga“):

Sanat Kumara's Request
On the 20th of September, 2005, during the meditation, Sanat Kumara sent me a thought about the necessity of writing a new Rosary, which would not consist of the evangelic texts alternating with the prayer Hail Mary (the principle by which catholic rosaries are comprised of), but the new Rosary would be comprised of fragments of the dictations given by the Masters through me that year.
And the first Rosary must be comprised of the first three dictations given by Sanat Kumara.
The next day, before I stepped forward to the writing of the Rosary, during a meditation I asked whether that must be a Rosary of Sanat Kumara?
The answer was: "No, this must be an ordinary Rosary of Mother Mary".
Then I asked: "How can it be Mother Mary's Rosary when you are giving it?"
In response Sanat Kumara asked me to take a pencil and to write down a short dictation.
Below I am giving the text of this dictation.
Tatyana Mickushina
Sanat Kumara
September 21, 2005
Regardless of the fact that I gave the thought about the creation of the Rosary, we will still not deviate from the traditional form of the Rosary used by many Christians. I must say that there are no contradictions between me and Mother Mary. We serve humankind of the Earth together, and the energy of your Rosaries sent to Mother Mary or to me will be directed at the aims to which you dedicate the reading of the Rosaries.
I am laying the foundation, the basis, with these Rosaries, and a part of the energy of these Rosaries, regardless of those aims to which you dedicate your reading of the Rosaries, will be directed at the realization of our plans for your physical octave.
And the more sincerely you will be fulfilling your service by reading the Rosaries, the sooner we will be able to attain our aims.
And the Golden Age will come to Russia and then to all other countries where enough Christ-beings will be found.
I would like to draw your attention to the fact that when you read the prayer Hail Mary, you must keep the image of not only Mother Mary in your consciousness. Each of you must become the Mother of God and give birth to Christ, your Christ-consciousness. Try to identify yourselves with the Mother of God regardless of whether you are a man or a woman. Regardless of your sex you are all mothers, and all of you are to give birth to Christ, your Christ-reason, your Divinity.
God the Father, the Mother, the Son and the Holy Spirit reside within each of you.
I am asking you to adopt the reading of these Rosaries which we give through our Messenger Tatyana into your everyday spiritual work.
I AM Sanat Kumara.
I AM your Father and your Mother in Heaven.
Recommendations for reading Rosaries
Sanat Kumara
November 28, 2005
I AM Sanat Kumara. I have come in order to give recommendations concerning the reading of the Rosaries given by me.
There are no particular recommendations and no particular requirements connected with the reading of these Rosaries. You can read them all together or in turn. You can read one Rosary during the first week, the second one during the second week and the third Rosary during the third week. Then repeat the whole cycle of reading of the Rosaries.
All in all you can decide this independently and stick to those recommendations which you receive from your Higher Self.
And at the same time there is one very important moment which I must remind you of and which you should never forget. This concerns the reminder about constant maintenance of a reverential state of consciousness during the reading of the Rosaries and during any spiritual work of yours. Try to keep your thoughts concentrated on the Higher Reality. Never forget that at the moment of your reading of the Rosaries your communication with God takes place. And you must constantly feel reverential awe and keep in check any carnal thoughts and feelings. If you are in an irritated state after an unpleasant talk or a quarrel, put off the reading of a Rosary. First, harmonise yourself by a walk in the nature or by listening to calm music or simply meditate in silence. But never set to spiritual work in an irritated state or any disbalance.
Always remember that you color your actions with your inner state. And if you start reading the Rosaries in any disharmonious state, then instead of sending the energy to the Higher spheres, you precipitate the Divine energy into your physical world and, consequently, contribute to multiplication of the illusion.
Therefore start reading the Rosaries only in a harmonious state of consciousness and the more unselfish your serving will be, the bigger spiritual work you will be able to fulfil.
Everything that you send to this world returns to you. Therefore, give generously, sparing neither yourself nor time for reading of your Rosaries. All the energy which you unselfishly give to God will return to you.
And everything will occur in the best way.
God loves you and always gives you an opportunity to go your way through life following the best Path.
I have given you those recommendations which I have considered as necessary to be given. Yet, you can always receive more detailed instructions from your Higher Self. Just wish to manifest your aspiration and to listen to your heart.
I AM Sanat Kumara, with Love to you.